The Man Who Faked Being A Doctor When He Was 18 Years Old Is Going Back To Jail After Pleading Guilty To Another Scam

Malachi Love-Robinson

Malachi Love-Robinson

Palm Beach County Sherriff's Office / Via

The man who spent three and a half years in jail for posing as a doctor when he was 18 years old — and became a meme for it — is going back to prison after he pleaded guilty to stealing more than $10,000 from his employer.

Malachi Love-Robinson, 25, was sentenced to more than 28 months in prison last week after pleading guilty to grand theft and organized scheme to defraud, according to court documents.

According to court documents, in 2020, Love-Robinson was working for United States of Freight, where he instructed customers to pay directly to an account registered under his name and on Venmo and Paypal instead of one administered by the company.

Dan O’Sullivan, the owner of United States of Freight, discovered Love-Robinson’s scheme after he contacted the customers for payment.

According to text messages obtained by the court, Love-Robinson admitted to taking the payments directly after O’Sullivan confronted him.

“I swear I wasn’t thinking and I will make it right,” Love-Robinson texted O’Sullivan. “I get these compulsive stages and do things without thinking.”

Love-Robinson first made headlines in 2016, when he was 18 years old, for impersonating a medical doctor, using the name “Dr. Love,” and opening “The New Birth New Life Medical Center,” where he practiced medicine without a license.

Love-Robinson was arrested after an investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services for performing a medical examination on an undercover agent.

According to court documents, Love-Robinson was released on bail a day after he was arrested.

Love-Robinson defended himself on Good Morning America a few days after being released, saying that he never said he was a doctor.

“There are many types of degrees out there that just because someone has the title doctor in front of their name does not necessarily imply MD," Love-Robinson said on GMA.

Later that year, while on bond, Love-Robinson was arrested in Virginia after he tried to buy a $35,000 Jaguar with a stolen credit card from an older woman.

Love-Robinson received a combined sentence of 48 months but was released from prison in 2019.

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