Man charged with threatening woman due in court

EAU CLAIRE — An Eau Claire man was scheduled for a hearing Monday after being charged with making terrorist threats and disorderly conduct, though court records late Monday afternoon did not record any outcome.

Tyler SIllman, 22, was charged last month after police were called just after 5 a.m. to a residence in the 3600 block of Fairfax Street. According to the criminal complain, the caller said Sillman had threatened to shoot the door of their apartment down and was armed with a handgun.

Sillman was gone when police arrived, so they went to his home. They saw him peeking out of a window repeatedly before retreating further inside. When contacted by phone, Sillman agreed to come out and was cooperative with officers when he was arrested. The gun he had reportedly been armed with was placed in a safe inside the apartment before he surrendered.

Sillman said the incident was due to a domestic fight and admitted sending the initial caller intimidating text messages before showing up at their home.

The court ordered a $10,000 signature bond for Sillman, prohibiting him from contacting two people or being within a mile of the Fairfax Street residence.