Bestival 'murder': Holby City actor John Michie says daughter's death at festival was 'tragic accident'

Louella Michie, left, with her father, John Michie - Alpha Press
Louella Michie, left, with her father, John Michie - Alpha Press

John Michie, the Holby City and former Coronation Street actor John Michie, has said his daughter's death at Bestival was a "tragic accident".

The 60-year-old said that the family had "lost an angel", but that the death of 25-year-old Louella Michie was "not murder".

Her body was found at the Dorset music festival in the early hours of Monday morning, her 25th birthday.

A 28-year-old man from London has been arrested on suspicion of murder. But Michie said his daughter's death had been a "tragic accident".

Speaking to The Sun, he said: "We've lost our angel. It's not murder - they were friends. It was just a tragic mistake, a tragic accident. This was not a murder.

"She touched so many lives. She was so very positive, so bright, so out there. She had such energy. The tributes to her have been incredible."

Louella Michie, 25, who died at Bestival - Credit: Facebook
Louella Michie, 25, who died at Bestival Credit: Facebook

In a statement, Michie's agent said: "Sadly, I can confirm the tragic death of John Michie's daughter, Louella, at Bestival.

"John and his wife Carol ask that the privacy of their family be respected at this traumatic time."

Officers at the music event were alerted just before 1am on Monday over concern for the welfare of missing Miss Michie.

The body of the model, actor and dancer was later found in a wooded area of the festival site in Lulworth.

Dorset Police said they had arrested a man "to enable officers to conduct an interview under caution to help establish the full circumstances".

Louella Michie who died at Bestival
Louella Michie who died at Bestival

Mr Michie is famed for his roles as DI Robbie Ross in detective drama series Taggart and as Karl Munro in Coronation Street. He is currently starring as neurosurgeon Guy Self in both Casualty and Holby City.

The actor lives in north London with his wife Carol. The couple have two other children, Daisy, 27,  a stylist, Samuel, 26, a music video director.

In an interview published at the weekend, he spoke about how his children regularly returned home for Sunday lunch and said the family went on holiday together to the same campsite in Spain every year, renting a mobile home.

The actor posted a photograph of his daughter sewing just days ago, captioned: "Sewing for Bestival".

Miss Michie’s parents reportedly raced to the Dorset site when they became aware of concerns for her safety.

Sewing for Bestival ��

A post shared by John Michie (@jmichie) on Sep 6, 2017 at 11:07am PDT

Friends expressed shock at the news of her death on Monday night.

Robyn Adams wrote on Facebook: “I'm completely and utterly devastated… Louella Michie  you are the most beautiful soul inside and out.

"You made me smile constantly... I can't believe this has happened to you, I am sending a prayer out to you tonight for you and all your family. Rest in peace Louella, you were taken way too soon.”

On Saturday, Dorset Police working at Bestival issued a warning about a rogue batch of tablets found on the festival site, urging festival goers to dispose of them as they contained “unknown chemicals”.

Drugs have not been linked to Miss Michie’s death.

Chief Inspector Chris Weeks described Miss Michie's death as “devastating” and appealed for witnesses to help them piece together the circumstances.

He said: "Just before 1am police were alerted to reports of a missing woman. A search took place and shortly after, sadly, the body of a woman was located in a wooded area just off the festival footprint.

"The family has been informed and the death at this stage is being treated as unexplained. A post mortem is due to take place and after that we'll have a clearer indication of how the death occurred.

"A 28-year-old man from London is helping us with our enquiries and will continue to assist us with our enquiries."

Louella Michie who died at Bestival - Credit: INSTAGRAM
Louella Michie was a model, actor and dancer Credit: INSTAGRAM

He added: "At this time the area has been secured by officers and is being forensically examined. It is devastating for all those involved particularly the family and friends of the deceased.

"We would appeal to anyone who may have heard or seen anything in relation to the incident to contact Dorset Police."

In total, 22,000 people attended the festival whose performers included the Pet Shop Boys, The XX and Dizzie Rascal.

Festival goers leaving the site ON mONDAY after the four-day event expressed “shock” at the tragic news.

One said she was “speechless” while another man, who did not wish to be named, said: "It's truly awful. It's been such a wonderful festival and you would never expect something like this to happen."

Sam Michie, Daisy Michie, John Michie, Carol Fletcher, Louella Michie (far right), pictured in April 2015 - Credit: FameFlynet UK
Sam Michie, Daisy Michie, John Michie, Carol Fletcher, Louella Michie (far right), pictured in April 2015 Credit: FameFlynet UK

A Bestival spokesman said: "The team at Bestival are devastated to hear about this tragic news.

"We continue to support the police in their ongoing investigation and our thoughts and prayers are with all the woman's family and friends."

Bestival was held at Lulworth Castle in Lulworth, Dorset, for the first time this year having been staged on the Isle of Wight since its inception in 2004.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the force at, via email or by calling 101, quoting incident number 11:36.

Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555111 or via