Malaysia: Jet search to continue with same 'vigor'

Malaysia: Jet search to continue with same 'vigor'

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Malaysia's defense minister says that nearly a month after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared, the search for the missing plane will continue "with the same level of vigor and intensity."

Hishammuddin Hussein said Saturday, "We will continue to focus, with all our efforts, on finding the aircraft."

He said there are no more new satellite images or data that can provide new leads, and the focus now is fully on the ocean search

Search teams trying to find the flight recorders from the missing jet crisscrossed another patch of the Indian Ocean on Saturday, four weeks after the airliner vanished.

A multinational team is desperately trying to find debris floating in the water or faint sound signals from the recorders that could lead them to the aircraft.