The Makeup Secret for Getting Dreamy, Dewy Skin | You glow girl

Brutal winter weather is wreaking havoc on your normally soft skin, and the struggle is real. But we’ll let you in on a little secret: You can still look dewy and fresh all year long. Watch to learn how in just three easy steps.

Step 1: Dot on your favorite liquid foundation, sporadically on the main areas of your face (forehead, nose, cheekbones and chin)

Step 2: Work a brightening serum into a beauty blender or makeup sponge. (We're partial to Aveda’s Tulasara Bright Concentrate.)

Step 3: Get to blending! The hydrating serum makes your foundation go on smoother and gives you soft, glowing results.

RELATED: 10 Ways to Make Your Makeup Last All Day (for Reals)
