Major revamp of Leicester Market paused for review after demolition

Plans for a major £7.5m revamp of Leicester's market are to be reviewed following demolition work and clearance of the site.

The 1990s-built market roof was pulled down earlier this year and stalls were ripped out as part of proposals to regenerate the area.

However Leicester City Council has now announced a radical rethink of the project.

It is now proposing that the area could be used as a space to host events.

City mayor Sir Peter Soulsby said he had asked council planners to draw up an alternative vision for the market after the demolition of the old structure.

"I'm sure I'm not the only one who watched the old market roof come down and was blown away by what was revealed," he said.

"As the demolition team cleared the site, I was struck by the scale of the space and the quality of the surrounding architecture.

"It made me ask myself if we were missing an opportunity to do something really special."

Sir Peter added: "We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to do something quite bold - and that's to reconsider our plans and create the impressive, flexible space for large-scale public events that we currently don't have in Leicester city centre."

Some market traders told the BBC they were angry about the sudden change of plans.

They said they had been promised a revamped market on the site of the old one, due to open at the end of 2025.

They are currently trading from a temporary site in nearby Green Dragon Square as the work continues.

The council is now proposing to eventually relocate the traders to a purpose-built location in Cank Street near to the Food Hall.

Peter Soulsby
Sir Peter Soulsby said he would listen to people's views on the new market proposal [BBC]

Sir Peter, who set out his plans to stallholders on Wednesday, added: "While I fully appreciate their concerns about work being paused on site, I hope I was able to convey that I believe we have an opportunity to make a good scheme even better."

He said the new proposals would see unused council-owned buildings at 12-20 Market Place knocked down to clear a cut-through to Cank Street.

Sir Peter said the fresh plan would create a "striking" open space that could host the city's Christmas ice rink, the summer beach, live performances, outdoor cinema, food and drink festivals and other celebrations.

He said he would listen to public views on his new plans before making a final decision.

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