What Made Brian Williams Have to Apologize On-Air?

NBC News Brian Williams Apologizes On Air for Local Station Saying Shit During Boston Bombing Suspect Manhunt
NBC News Brian Williams Apologizes On Air for Local Station Saying Shit During Boston Bombing Suspect Manhunt


Friday's all-day manhunt for the surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect made for some dramatic news watching -- though perhaps a little more dramatic than NBC News executives would have liked.

When venerable news anchor Brian Williams went to "dip in" to a local news station's coverage, viewers clearly heard an expletive from someone on the other side.

"What's that?" the voice asked. "Is that amazing? Oh you're not listening. Oh we don't know -- I don't know sh-t."

NBC News quickly cut the feed and returned to Williams, who said, "Well, that was a fortuitous time to dip into the coverage of New England Cable News.

"We apologize for the language we inadvertently aired during what was a mix-up of communications on their part," he added.

Mediaite caught the clip (language warning, for obvious reasons):