MacCleanse for Mac review

MacCleanse provides a suite of features to keep your computer running smoothly and to ensure your privacy when you're on a shared machine. It works to free up space through a combination of actions, and its intuitive functionality make it a great tool for quickly eliminating all kinds of unwanted data.


Protecting privacy: Especially if you're not the only one who uses a particular computer, you may not want to leave traces behind of where you've been and what you've been looking at. This app lets you quickly remove all evidence of Web browsing, as well as any other unnecessary files and data that have accumulated over time.

Associated file removal: Another handy section of this app is the App Removal area, which lets you simply drag and drop in apps that you want to delete. In addition to deleting the app itself, this software also finds and removes all kinds of associated files, so you're not left with a bunch of unrelated junk, even after the unwanted app itself has been removed.


Damaging deletions: Unfortunately, this software can also sometimes remove important files, and it does occasionally delete things, even when you deselect them manually. That makes it a somewhat dangerous app to use for beginners, who may not be fully aware of what they should and shouldn't delete, or who don't know what to do if something vital is accidentally deleted.

Bottom Line

MacCleanse is a powerful software, and it offers a lot of nice features with multiple built-in benefits. It may be a bit unwieldy for beginners, and its tendency to delete items that you've manually instructed it not to is troubling. The App Removal section is particularly helpful, though, as it can be hard to manually find and remove all files associated with an app when you're ready to delete it.

Editors' note: This is a review of the trial version of MacCleanse for Mac 5.0.3.

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