L'Wren Scott Was Way More Than Just "Mick Jagger's Girlfriend"

Designer and former fashion model L'Wren Scott died Monday morning of an apparent suicide. She was 47. Scott was a visionary designer who dressed First Lady Michelle Obama, former French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, and countless Hollywood actresses. Before she started her design career in 2006, she was a successful model, especially in the European markets. But when news of her death broke this morning, all anyone could say is that she was Mick Jagger's girlfriend.

The New York Times didn't even include her name when they tweeted the news.

The Times has since changed the headline on their story to "L'Wren Scott, Fashion Designer, Is Found Dead, Says Official." But the article still states, "She was a fixture on Jagger's arm and, at around 6-foot-3, towered over her famous boyfriend." The Times and the AP characterize Scott as a nameless model girlfriend, not the founder of a multi-million dollar business. In 2014, it's depressing that the best the Gray Lady can come up with to describe a talented entrepreneur is "she was tall and dated a famous guy." 

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Scott and models during FW 2012 fashion week. AP

Before her death, Scott was working on a collaboration with makeup artist Bobbi Brown. She had to cancel her upcoming London Fashion Week show due to production delays, but her SS 2014 collection was well-reviewed. She said at the time she drew her inspiration from Japanese aesthetic culture. 

Scott and Jagger were partners for nearly 14 years. A spokesperson told the Times that he is "completely shocked and devastated by the news." 

This article was originally published at http://www.thewire.com/entertainment/2014/03/lwren-scott-was-way-more-just-mick-jaggers-girlfriend/359254/

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