Luna Lovegood actress explains why she's distancing herself from 'Harry Potter'

LONDON — What happens to actors after they've appeared in a massive global franchise like Harry Potter?

SEE ALSO: Luna Lovegood reveals her Patronus on Twitter, and she's not happy

Obviously a lot of the adult actors in the film adaptations of J.K. Rowling's magical books series already had established careers, but many of series' main roles were filled by children who'd never appeared on screen before.

Evanna Lynch, the Irish actress whose first IMDd credit is for Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, is one of these.

Six years on from the release of the final Harry Potter film, though, and the close association with Luna's character seems to be taking its toll.

On Tuesday, Lynch shared a long post on Instagram to say that she's planning to stop going to fan conventions in a bid to push herself more creatively.

"I'm going to take a break from conventions after the other two I've committed to this year because I need to push myself as an artist more," she wrote.

"Sometimes life gives you an easy route that dulls your appetite for chasing your dreams and you become inhibited by fear of what lays beyond comfort and safety."

Here's Lynch's post in full.

Since the Harry Potter films wrapped in 2011 Lynch has nine more acting credits on her IMDb page, including a mixture of TV movies and films. Her most recent credit is for the voice of Luna Lovegood in the Lego Dimensions video game.

"I feel like I'm stuck in my 18-year-old self artistically when I actually have a lot more to say," she wrote.

"I'm writing it down for myself to acknowledge and to remind myself to not be held back by fear of discovering my inabilities and inadequacies as an actor and human."

BONUS: Unlocking a chamber of secrets about the 'Harry Potter' movies