Lt. Governor joins in Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center groundbreaking

Lt. Governor Jon Husted, other elected officials and students from the Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center break ground on the new expansion to the school.
Lt. Governor Jon Husted, other elected officials and students from the Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center break ground on the new expansion to the school.

CHILLICOTHE — With so many people applying to the school the Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center often has to reject applicants due to class sizes. Luckily, an upcoming expansion will help expand class sizes and provide more hands-on education for local students.

The career center was awarded $7,635,336 through the Career Technical Construction Program to expand its Carpentry, Construction, Robotics, Advanced Manufacturing, and HVAC programs to serve up to 100 additional students.

See more from Pickaway-Ross: How much are Pickaway-Ross seniors making on job placement?

Superintendent Jonathan Davis said that for 50 years the school has taken brave students who are unafraid to do something different, paired them with teachers who care, taught them a skill and gotten them quality jobs. He is proud of the school offering students a choice to do something they love.

"What we are doing here matters," said Davis.

Members from the school and Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted celebrated at the official groundbreaking event. Having visited several technical schools in the state Husted said he is glad to be able to help current students and future members of the workforce obtain the education they need to get the many jobs Ohio has open.

"We need young, talented people," said Husted.

Also present at the groundbreaking was State Representative Mark Johnson who helped pass the funding for this project. Johnson said he has always been a big supporter of the trades, as that is where he came from, and he believes having programs like this in schools can help students find what they are passionate about.

The several thousand square foot expansion is set to start in September of 2024 and be completed in time for the Fall 2025 class to use.

This article originally appeared on Chillicothe Gazette: State officials join groundbreaking for local vocational school