The 'All Is Lost' Trailer: Robert Redford Is In Trouble

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The first trailer for writer/director J.C. Chandor's followup to Margin Call has arrived. The film is called All Is Lost, and is about 76-year-old Robert Redford getting stranded at sea after his sailboat is punctured by a stray shipping container. It's not actually Robert Redford playing Robert Redford, but his character doesn't have a name, so we might as well refer to him as that. Anyway, the film, which seems to be a more lo-fi, perhaps less spiritual Cast Away (plus, y'know, no island), won raves at Cannes back in May, suggesting that Chandor could be at the start of some kind of real career.

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Between this and Sandra Bullock's stranded-in-space drama Gravity, there's going to be a lot of life-threatening loneliness on the big scree this fall. What does that say about our culture right now? Do we feel alone, marooned and drifting across the void? Or is it just a coincidence? Yeah it's probably a coincidence. Ah well. Nice to see Bob Redford still commanding attention at his age, at least. Hope he'll be careful if Billy Zane shows up! Because that tends to end badly.

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All Is Lost opens October 18.