LOSS nonprofit extends outreach Downtown

Aug. 15—Loss of Spouse Sanctuary board members visited a local senior center Tuesday to show what the program can provide to those struggling with grief.

Leaders from LOSS showed support to a woman at the Joyce Raye Patterson 50+ Activity Center who had lost her spouse and was considering joining. They spoke about the importance of socializing during their presentation but also reassured her that she can join whenever she decided it was the right time.

The organization is there for anyone who has lost a spouse and encourages them to find joy by building relationships with those in a similar situation.

Debbie Lyons, LOSS publicist and board member, said dealing with the death of a spouse is overwhelming because of the loneliness involved in it.

"You feel like you're in a fog, and you're drowning down this dark abyss," she said. "And so, meeting people that understand truly how you feel is so helpful."

The group has Bible studies, game nights, movie nights and arts and crafts.

"We are up and open for all kinds of things to get people to come, to socialize, to enjoy each other, to support each other, and to just learn how to find their joy back," she said.

Participating in these activities has resulted in unexpected forms of self-expression for some of the members.

"We decided to try a karaoke," she said. "We weren't sure how the members would do it, but the people that came actually got up and participated. They had first said adamantly, 'We're not going to do that,' but they did, and we had a blast."

Some activities may have a small fee to cover costs, such as crafts, but LOSS membership is free of charge, and members can bring another adult with them to activities for support.

"They love it," she said. "And you can tell by our pictures on our website that the enjoyment of being able to do fun things and to get out of your small little cocoon and have some fun."

Lyons said Grief Share, which is a Bible-based program at Brookdale Presbyterian Church, is another support system for those who have lost a loved one. Lyons took sessions at Grief Share after her husband passed and decided to pay it forward by becoming one of their facilitators. It is also free of charge.

"It is to help people learn how to take one step at a time to come out of the abyss that they're in, to understand that they're not alone, that there are people that support them," she said. "It's a club we never wanted to join, but thank God it's there."

LOSS can be reached at (816) 343-4898 and lossofspouse.org.