Los Angeles Dodgers’ ball girl crushes a field invader who gets knocked over a wall

It appeared that a fan who ran on the field at Dodger Stadium on Sunday had eluded security long enough that he might be able to jump back into the stands and get away.

The man did end up in the stands, but just not the way he had hoped or expected.

During the Dodgers’ 8-2 win over the Angels in Los Angeles, seven security personnel were in pursuit of the man on the field. But as he neared the wall down the right-field line, the ball girl was ready to spring into action.

She sent the man flying heels over head over the wall. Twitter user Fabian Ardaya shared this video of the moment:

Here is a second angle of the big hit from Sports Illustrated:

This is from the stands and these fans had a perfect angle to see the man go flying over the wall:

Here is one more with an unnecessary football audio overlay:

The crowd went wild after seeing that hit.