Looking for future Somerset County Dairy Princess candidates

SOMERSET ― The search is on for the new 2024-25 Somerset County Dairy Princess.

Young women between the ages of 16 and 24 as of June 1, and reside in Somerset County are eligible to compete for the title. She will be the official dairy ambassador from June 1 through May 31, 2025. Eligible candidates must be a daughter, granddaughter, niece or sister of a dairy farmer, dairy farm manager, herdsman, or someone employed in the dairy industry, or she is employed as a dairy farmer, dairy farm manager, herdsman, or in the dairy industry.

She also qualifies if she is the owner or leaser of at least one head of dairy cattle before May 1, or she has been a Junior Dairy Promoter for at least one year.

There is also the opportunity for girls, ages 4 to 15, to be a Lil' Miss, Dairy Miss, Dairy Maid or ambassador. A connection with the dairy industry is not required.

A mandatory informational meeting is set for 2 p.m. for 16-24-year-olds and at 3 p.m. April 7, for ages 4-15, at Cup of Soul Cafe, 409 Broadway St., Berlin. All interested participants must attend the April 7 meeting with a parent.

The Princess Pageant/Coronation will be held May 11 at The Hayloft, 887 West Mud Pike, Rockwood.

Duties of a Dairy Princess

The Somerset County Dairy Princess is a vital promoter of the benefits of including dairy foods in your diet, along with promoting agriculture and dairy farming. She educates consumers about all aspects of the dairy industry by attending industry events, school visits and more.

Carlie Knott, the 2023-24 Somerset County Dairy Princess, said the dairy princess mainly shares information with consumers to promote the consumption of milk and dairy products.

"It’s a misconception that the county dairy princess must live on a dairy farm and already know everything there is to know about the dairy industry," she said in an email. "If a young lady is interested in the dairy industry and enjoys meeting new people, all she needs is the willingness to learn, time, and a positive attitude."

Knott said Pennsylvania Dairy Princess and Promotion Services provides training, education, and support to help each princess with everything she needs to go out into her county and promote the dairy industry.

"Milk has 13 essential nutrients that are good for your body and good for your brain. Real dairy is important for good health and a healthy immune system," she said. "Our work benefits the milk producers, the consumers, and everyone in between whose job it is to bring milk and dairy products to homes and businesses."

Knott said she considered her year as the Somerset County Dairy Princess as an internship.

"I have been learning everything that I can about the dairy industry as I promote throughout the county," she said.Knott said using her imagination helped her promote the industry.

"Being new to the Dairy Princess Program, I found my own places to promote dairy by researching county events, schools and businesses. I enjoy reading to young students in schools and teaching them where milk comes from. I hope to visit every school district in Somerset County by the end of my reign in May," she said. "Stopping in at businesses and community events throughout the county always brings a smile, especially on holidays."

Knott said she hopes that "the next county princess uses her imagination and makes her year her own."

For more information, email Andrea Stoltzfus, county committee chairwoman at astoltzfus0593@gmail.com, or send a private message to the Facebook Somerset County Dairy Promotion page.

Madolin Edwards can be reached at medwards@dailyamerican.com.

This article originally appeared on The Daily American: Somerset County dairy industry looking for future ambassadors