Look Back ... to wartime photos on display, 1949

May 17—May 17, 1949, in The Star: On exhibit at the Regar Museum in Anniston until June 1 is the Life magazine collection of pictures portraying the defense of Britain. Taken during 1940, when the future of the British Isles was constantly threatened by Hitler's onslaught, the photographs are described with excerpts from famous speeches made by Winston Churchill, the nation's wartime prime minister.

May 17, 1999, in The Star: Gov. Don Siegelman distilled a combination of time-honored advice and exhortations to help him pass a lottery as he addressed Talladega College's 124th commencement assembly yesterday. Siegelman received an honorary doctorate after he spoked to the 125 graduates. A crowd of more than 1,000 attended.

Assistant Metro Editor Bill Edwards: 256-236-1551. On Twitter @bedwards_star.