Look Back ... to changes predicted for Lincoln, 1999

May 8—May 8, 1949, in The Star: Eleven Anniston retail stores in cooperation with 11 Anniston textile plants will have special window displays this week during National Cotton Week, according to word from the Chamber of Commerce. Anniston Cordage Company will be paired with Hudson's Department Store, and Anniston Manufacturing Co. will be paired with Wakefield's, for example. Also this date: Air-conditioned business buildings are apparently so novel here that an advertisement tells the reader that Interstate Roofing Company, 1016 Gurnee, has installed a Chrysler Air-Temp unit at the Wikle Drug Store building on Noble Street.

May 8, 1999, in The Star: In a story about how life around Lincoln will change with Honda bringing a manufacturing plant to town, it's noted that currently, many residents say they travel to Atlanta or Birmingham to make a living. Honda could change all of this for the city's younger generation, said Melanie Harris, a librarian at Lincoln's public library. "Hopefully, our children will not have to move away. They can find well-paying jobs in Lincoln," Harris said. Businessman John Goldman, who has owned Lincoln's two video stores for 15 years, has been happy to not have to worry about competition from a chain such as Blockbuster. "We have one little café, two banks and one grocery store. This has been our life. The big dogs are going to walk into town. That's the only part I don't like," said Goldman.

Assistant Metro Editor Bill Edwards: 256-236-1551. On Twitter @bedwards_star.