A Lonely Priest, Single Girls in Iran, and a New Way to Trace Bullets

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Greater firepower on both sides of the conflict is quickly escalating and extending the conflict in Syria. Single women living apart from their families is a rare, but growing occurrence in Iran. Visitors to the Euro 2012 soccer championship in Ukraine are taking the opportunity to explore the abandoned Chernobyl nuclear site.

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Politics: Both President Obama and Mitt Romney are spending almost all of their campaign time raising money. "Microstamping" technology that could tie every bullet fired to the gun it came from is being stalled by the NRA and gun control opponents. 

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Opinion: It isn't fair for the U.S. and others to ask Germany to keep bailing out other European countries.

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Technology: A social network built for strangers to "flirt" with each has shut down its teenage version after three minors were raped by adults posing as teenagers on the mobile network. 

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U.S.: A story about sexual abuse at the Horace Mann School has stirred dozens of alumni, but most of the victims have no legal recourse. Santa Monica installs a new parking meter regime, where meters can't be refilled with coins and timers will reset when cars are moved from the space.

World:  Rumors of Hosni Mubarak's death are now a daily occurrence in Egypt, even though speculating about his health was specifically outlawed during his reign. New laws meant to stop protests have only emboldened political activism in Russia.

Movies: Small, realistic films will try to compete against the tide of summer blockbusters. A documentary looks at Marina Abramovic's "The Artist Is Present" exhibition where she simply sat in a chair and stared into the eyes of museum patrons for hours on end.

Television: A review of the new version of the nighttime soap opera classic Dallas

Books: Two news books — one by Paul Krugman and one by Timothy Noah — both argue that rich are getting richer while the poor get left behind.

Sports: A Mexican drug cartel was using American horse racing to launder money, but their passion for winning attracted the attention of the U.S. drug agents.

New York: The Archdiocese of New York ordained only one new priest this year, the lowest number in the 110-year history of its seminary.

Travel: How to eat cheaply in Copenhagen.

Photo Gallery of the Day: Air travel in Nigeria