The London winery where you crush the grapes

Volunteers are busy de-stemming and crushing thousands of kilograms of grapes.

But this isn't a winery in Tuscany or Bordeaux.

It's in east London.

As a startup, Renegade Urban Winery has limited funds for a big workforce come harvest time, so they turn to volunteers to help with processing the grapes - with payment in fun, food, some teaching and a few glasses to drink.

Warwick Smith founded the winery in 2016.

"I think that the rise in urban made products is really about transparency, people really want to see where their food comes from and by doing it in London we show people the way grapes are harvested, the way they come in, the way they are processed, the way the wines are made, it is a full, open, transparent way of making products and I think people like being close to their food and close to their drinks and knowing where it exactly comes from and if it is made in a city that they live in, it is much more easier to see how that happens."

Renegade uses grapes from 15 vineyards in Britain and abroad and produces 80,000 bottles a year.

And the volunteers are more than happy to get their hands dirty.

" You know you can see my hands is red but I feel like I can lick it, the wine. But it is great to see how they are making the wine and then be part of this team is actually great."

"A lot of people drink wine but don't know a lot about it and I think it is good to see how the sausage is made so to speak."

"If I get paid I am going to spend my money on wine and food anyway so this eliminates the middleman."

Smith hopes that in the same way that craft beer firms have boomed in recent years, wine producers can thrive at a distance from the vineyards growing the grapes.

''There is no reason why in London you cant really make brilliant wines as long as you buy brilliant fruit.''
