The local-made movie is a first of its kind, slated for release next year

The cast and crew of "Duality".

17 Sep – Three inspiring Malaysian minds have come together to create a unique film like never before – "Duality" is a film to watch for, slated for release for the fourth quarter of 2018.

A collaboration between writer Jason Ding, award-winning director Timo and VFX specialist and director Wynner Cheong, the movie is a Malaysian-made sci-fi action thriller with strong female leads and heavy themes.

The story deals with themes and issues like artificial and genetic engineering, the dark web, human trafficking and abuse, and also self-discovery.

"We want to create something that Malaysians never seen before on the local screen, and also what we want to see on the local screen," said writer Jason Ding to Cinema Online during the launching event for "Duality".

(L-R) Directors Wynner Cheong and Timo, and writer Jason Ding.

According to the writer, the idea spawned when the three started talking about the local film industry and how it lacks a female-centric action movie.

"It's always been a dream of mine to produce a female-lead action film that is packed with fight scenes. There's something so captivating about strong women, especially in this time and age when women are pushing for equality," said Timo, the executive producer and director of the movie.

"I think it's time that people acknowledge the strength of women. In a way, this film is trying to highlight that," Jason added.

The movie takes inspiration from various action genre movies, some of the notable ones include "Die Hard", "Jason Bourne", "Jack Reacher", "John Wick", and "The Raid".

The film also features all sorts of self-defence martial arts including Muay Thai, Krav Maga, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, tactical firearms, edge weapons and knives defence, and kickboxing.

The director had also noted that the film will not have any stuntman or stunt doubles, and that the action and fight sequences will be executed by the cast themselves.

As the film's title implies, the movie is about the nature of duality in humans and also the influence of technology in our lives.

"Within all of us, there is a duality. There is good and there is evil, but it all goes back to the choices that we make. So the movie explores that and it also mixes in the element of technology and sci-fi," Jason explains.

The cast, (L-R) Dara Yong Sophie, Marcio Sebsam, Sylvia Tan, Serene Claire, and Sharlin Dian.

Set to be shot in Malaysia and several places overseas, the ambitious project stars a line-up of fresh faces including Instagram star Sylvia Tan, Miss World Malaysia runner-up Serene Claire, Brazilian native Marcio Sebsam, professional personal trainer Dara Yong Sophie, and dancer-turned-host Sharlin Dian.

Starring a multi-racial cast, it has been noted that the movie will also feature various languages but it will be predominantly set in English.

"We want people to have fun and enjoy the movie, and we also want people to be proud of the Malaysian talents, said veteran commercial director, producer and VFS artist, Wynner Cheong.

Miss Red played by Sylvia Tan.

"Duality" is set against the backdrop of a distant dystopic society. The main character Miss Red wakes up to find herself without any memory of who she is or knowledge of her whereabouts.

Vulnerable to her environment and in search for answers, she discovers that her body is equipped with a set of skills that become vital for ensuring her survival. So she fights her way to figure out how or why she has been displaced, and by whom.