Lindsay Lohan's Big Ol' Hotel Bill

Lindsay Lohan's Big Ol' Hotel Bill

Sigh. Lindsay Lohan. The latest news from this sad, gnarly tale is that Lohan's beloved Chateau Marmont, the Sunset Strip hotel where she lived for a month and a half this summer, has banned her from returning until she pays the $46,000 tab racked up during that most recent stay. Yeah, $46,000. I mean, it was a month and a half, but the rate was only $380/day for half the time, then $650 for the rest, which should only come out to about $20,000. The other $26,000 was spent on room service, the minibar, some sort of $100 candle, and, of course, cigarettes. TMZ has the breakdown, and the letter to Lindsay from the Chateau's general manager, if you're curious about all the particular details. The point is, Lindsay Lohan lived a bit large this summer and now seems to be skipping out on the bill. She's even still got the hotel's laptop which they're hoping she'll return but, it would seem, so far hasn't. Oof. Lindsay. I'm not one to lecture about personal finances, just had my own "Oh god..." moment this week, but $46,000 to live in some stupid hotel?? Come on. Get an apartment and do FreshDirect for heaven's sake. They deliver things. It's just like being pampered by a hotel! Sort of. Oh, or, there's Pink Dot. That's an L.A. thing. Sure it's, y'know, a little low rent, but come on. It just makes more sense. I know sense and Lindsay Lohan unfortunately don't go hand-in-hand too often, but you have to hope that one day they will. No more hotel stays, Linds. It's just not worth it. [TMZ]

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OK, so, now People magazine is saying that Buckingham Palace isn't actually that mad at Prince Harry in the wake of Nakedgate. Sure the photos of the third-in-line nude as the day the old Anglican gods placed him in Queen Elizabeth's arms in that dark cave 27 years ago are a little embarrassing, but who cares? He's an adult. He's his own man. He's cheeky. Cheeky is appreciated over there. Like Bill Nighy stripping on the TV in Love Actually. "Oh, cheek-yyy," they say. It's fine. Harry is scheduled to return to royal duties this week, attending the Paralympics in the now empty and haunted Olympic complex, and of course he'll be put back to stud, to sire more half-blood scullery maids and valets to be put to work in the palace. So that's good. Everything's OK. Sure some publications are saying things are about to get worse, but let's choose to believe that everything is OK. [Radar]

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If Rosie O'Donnell's new wife Michelle Rounds cheats on her, she will get nothing, meaning no money, in the ensuing divorce. That's the major term of the prenup that the couple, who married secretly in June, signed, romantically. So, OK. Learn from Kelsey Grammer's expensive mistakes, I guess. Really the significant thing about this item is that, if you'd like to feel despair about the state of humanity this morning and need an excuse to put your head on your desk and hum anxiously and sadly to yourself for a few minutes, just go ahead and read the comments on that little post. There aren't many, but most of what's there are pure, bright, shining gem-shaped turds. [Page Six]

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Look how skinny Matthew McConaughey is! He's losing weight to play someone with AIDS in The Dallas Buyers Club and boy is he losing it. Some sort of liquid diet, it seems. He's currently in New York filming Martin Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street, so we'll have to see if the movie makes any attempts to explain his skinniness. Anyway, this is just a weird thing to look at. Possibly an inspiration for people trying to slim down before they go away for Labor Day and have to go to the beach in front of people and oh god pass the liquid kale. [Daily Mail]

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Summit, the studio that makes the Twilight films, is waiting on making specific promotional plans, in the hopes that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart might get back together and things won't be so weird as they go about peddling the last vampire romance movie. But they can't wait too long, so just in case they have Ashley Greene and some of the other ones waiting in the wings, ready to step up and do more publicity than they normally would. So what we're saying is that Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, and everyone else is secretly hoping that Kristen and Rob don't get back together so they can finally step out into the light and say "Here I am, world! That girl from the movie with the bad haircut and three lines!!" What a moment it will be. Sow those seeds of discord, kids. Keep the pain and anger burning bright so you may shine. [Page Six]

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Here are pictures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on a toy shopping trip in Le Touquet, France, where they went recently with four of their children. So, OK, regular celebrity photos. But you know what's strange? Seeing all these civilians standing so close and taking photos. Isn't that odd? Like, surreptitiously snapping a pic of a celebrity who's nearby? Sure, OK. But just blatantly saying "Hey look, zoo person" and shooting away out in the open without a care is just weird. I guess it's mass feeding frenzy, everyone else is doing it so I might as well too, but it's unseemly. You hear me, French people?? Unseemly! [Daily Mail]

Oh and here's a picture of Queen Elizabeth wearing a hoodie and driving a Range Rover. An important day. [Us Weekly]