Lindsay Graham Accused President Biden of Playing the Race Card

Photo credit: Alex Wong - Getty Images
Photo credit: Alex Wong - Getty Images
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In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) accused President Biden of playing the “race card.”

Responding to a question from host Chris Wallace about Georgia’s new restrictive voting law, which President Biden characterized as sick and “Jim Crow in the 21st century” during his first news conference Thursday, Graham said: "You know what's sick is that the president of the United States played the race card continuously in such a hypocritical way.”

He went on to rail against H.R.1, the election reform package that the House passed earlier this month. Democrats have characterized the bill as an effort to combat Republican attempts to stymie free and fair elections. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, 28 states introduced over 100 voter suppression bills within one month of the 2020 election. If passed, the voting rights bill would invalidate most of those state proposals and set new standards that increase voter access. Graham called the legislation “the biggest power grab in the history of our country” and claimed it will federalize elections.

“Every time a Republican does anything, we’re a racist,” Graham continued. “If you’re a white conservative, you’re a racist. If you’re a Black Republican, you’re either a prop or Uncle Tom. They [Democrats] use the racism card to advance a liberal agenda, and we’re tired of it. H.R. 1 is sick, not what they’re doing in Georgia.”

Lindsay Graham is just one of the many Republicans who, in the post-Trump era of cynical performance politics, relies on explosive statements to try and capture the attention and loyalty of the former president’s now leaderless base. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson — they’re all battling each other in a race to the bottom and, at this point, it’s anyone’s game.

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