Limbaugh Laughs at CBS‘ Leslie Stahl Calling It ’Orwellian‘ for KSM to Be Forced to Drink ’Ensure’

(Image: Ensure)

The interview between CBS’ Leslie Stahl and former Director of the National Clandestine Service Jose Rodriguez set to air on “60 Minutes” this Sunday has Rush Limbaugh laughing already.

A clip from the interview features the two talking about the treatment of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) — the 9/11 mastermind who was captured in 2003 and taken to Guantánamo Bay. Along with water boarding and sleep deprivation, another form of treatment of Guantánamo prisoners includes dietary manipulation. For KSM, this meant the drink Ensure. Stahl says ”What, his Ensure? You mean like people in the hospital who will eat that stuff?“ Rodriguez called dietary manipulation ”part of these dire techniques.“ Stahl called it ”Orwellian stuff.”

Watch the exchange:

Limbaugh laughs over this exchange, saying “These liberal newspeople can‘t believe he’s forced to drink Ensure. That’s torture to them.” Limbaugh goes on to explain a time when he was in the hospital and given Ensure for its nutrient value. He says:

For those of you who don’t know what Ensure is, it’s a dairy-based beverage that’s loaded with calories and nutrients, primarily for cancer patients who can’t eat. It is a compassionate product. It’s a product designed to keep people alive.

Nutrition information for chocolate Ensure. (Image: Ensure)

Listen to the whole clip from Limbaugh:

Tune into the full 60 minutes interview on the “enhanced interrogation techniques” used on some captured members of Al Qaeda at 7 p.m. EST Sunday.

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