Light show in Sydney features 100 synchronized flying drones

The skyline in Sydney has become the stage for an impressive drone show.

As the city's rainy weather finally subsided, Intel kicked off its show with 100 illuminated drones taking to the sky above Sydney Harbour on Wednesday night.  

The display will take place across five nights as part of Sydney's Vivid Festival, with Sydney's Youth Orchestra performing Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as the soundtrack.  

SEE ALSO: The drones awaken in a high-flying Star Wars dogfight

This isn't the first time such a performance has taken place. The inaugural Intel drone event, which broke a Guinness World Record for the most UAVs flying simultaneously, happened in Hamburg, Germany, in 2015. This was the first attempt above water in front of a live audience. 

The seven-minute performance sees drones fly in multiple formations, finishing in the shape of the word "Intel." That's next level branding. The drones are controlled by one pilot.

"With drones quickly emerging as an important computing platform of the future, Drone 100 exemplifies what it means to reinvent experiences with new technology," Anil Nanduri, Intel’s general manager of unmanned aviation systems for its Perceptual Computing Group, said in an emailed statement. 

The launch event on Tuesday was cancelled due to terrible weather conditions in Sydney, with only those brave enough to face the cold getting first glimpse on Wednesday night. 

Unfortunately, it didn't really hold up to the promo photograph. But you know, it's still 100 drones in the sky doing a cool dance. So we will forgive Intel this time.