Lettrs review

Lettrs stands out as a personal and creative social messaging app that successfully digitizes letter-writing, enabling you to craft beautiful letters and send them to the world as well as interact with other writers and take part in weekly writing contests with prizes.


Wonderful concept: With Lettrs you can write digital letters or creative compositions, style them, and share them with the world, both through the app's active social network, as well as through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and email. The intuitive interface, with its clean, distraction-free composition window; a profile and notification space called the Fridge; and an Explore window with filters for quickly discovering content, make this app at once engrossing and easy to use.

Beautiful letter styles: You can style your letters with beautiful backgrounds and fonts and enhance them with stamps, to give them the flavor of a traditional letter; at the end, you can also add your signature. All these graphical elements help you set the mood for your writings and convey a more forceful message.

More personal, more creative: The way this app is presented as well as its features make it highly appealing for creative writers. Besides, it doesn't have the amount of low-quality content or spam most social networks suffer from, nor any bothering ads.


A bit laggy: Sometimes the app can feel a bit laggy. Waiting a few seconds or restarting it fixes the issue.

Can't save signature: If you have a more complicated signature and need a few tries to get it right on a touchscreen, the option to use a saved signature would come in handy.

Bottom Line

Hands down the best penpal app for Android, Lettrs makes the creation and sharing of digital letters fun. It has a charm of its own and offers just the right assortment of features to be fully functional without becoming distracting or difficult to use.

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