Letters: How you can help celebrate America's 250th anniversary

How you can help celebrate America's 250th anniversary

July 4th, 2026, will mark 250 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This was the initial formal step in establishing the United States of America.

We have come a long way since that day. In those passing years, many historical events have taken place within our nation. And our assistance in aid has contributed to the well-being of many nations throughout the world. I will leave those past stories of challenges, sacrifices and greatness for you to ponder.

The July 4th, 1776, remembrance two years hence, should be a commemoration marked by events that are educational, engaging and enlightening. To be a successful program, it will need fellow citizens to share in the planning.

Toward that outcome, both a national and a Rhode Island state commission have been formed to provide encouragement and direction for local communities. Here in Tiverton, such a commission ("Tiverton 250th Commission") is in the process of being established.

The Tiverton Town Council resolution (2024-0001) calls for nine members to be appointed by the Town Council – six representatives from various committees, boards, and commissions of the town and three public, electors from the town. They will endeavor to develop and guide a program of events associated with the Revolutionary War and the early development of our country to take place over a period of time.

I would encourage Tiverton citizens (young and old) to step forward to volunteer and participate as a member of this anniversary commission.

Peter Moniz, Tiverton

Join Middletown Republicans if unhappy with town decisions

To the People of Middletown:

I must assume that you have received your, Property Revaluation Statement and or your new tax bill? In prior letters, I tried to warn you that you would get a great increase in both your property evaluation and tax bill, if you approved the school bond, but you would not Lisson. Instead, you listened to your elected officials, building committee and town administrator, and the rhetoric they gave you.

But you can't blame them completely, for you keep reelecting the same people over and over again and expecting a different result, what do they call that? Along with the 2/3 of the registered voters who did not vote in the election of the bond.

I strongly recommend that you take the time to attend the Middletown GOP Committee meeting, open to the public, and take part, on March 12, 2024, at the Middletown Fire Station at 6:30 p.m., and consider running for office, for you can't affect change, sitting at home and watching TV. Hopefully, you will attend this meeting.

Antone Viveiros, Middleton

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Letters: How you can help celebrate America's 250th anniversary