Letters to the editor for Sunday, May 26, 2024

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Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less. Include your name and city or community of residence. Guest opinions should be 600 words or less and include a brief summary of the author’s credentials relevant to the topic. Guest opinions may include a head shot of the author. For the Fort Myers News-Press, email submissions to mailbag@news-press.com and for the Naples Daily News to letters@naplesnews.com

Remember those who sacrificed

Memorial Day is May 27. It’s not just the unofficial start of summer, it is a day of remembrance and gratitude for the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our country and uphold the values we hold dear. It is a day to honor their courage, their selflessness, and their dedication to ensuring our freedom and safety.As we enjoy the long weekend and gather with family and friends, let us not forget the true reason for this holiday. Let us take a moment to count our blessings and remember those who served and died for our nation. Their sacrifices have allowed us to express our beliefs and feelings freely and have made us feel safe and protected.May we never forget the debt of gratitude we owe to those who have given their lives in service to our country. Let us honor their memory not just on Memorial Day, but every day.

Lou Walker, Cape Coral

History of Memorial Day

Originally Memorial Day was called Decoration Day.  A day to remember those who died in service for the United States of America and other countries with the common understanding of liberty, freedom, and human rights.  Decoration Day derived from the Civil War (ending in 1865) when flowers were placed on the graves of those who died in this country's internal conflict.  The many deaths  were 620 thousand plus. We recognize the red poppy as a reminder to remember.  The red poppy was seen to grow on battlefields after war. Congress made Memorial Day a federal holiday in 1971 for recognition on the last Monday in May.Military deaths in wars for freedom number per data research: American Revolution 1775-1783, 25 thousand, WW l, 116 thousand, WW ll, 405 thousand, Korean War, 36 thousand, Vietnam War, 58 thousand, Global War On Terror, 7 thousand; all have plus figures, as civilian deaths number in the millions. There are many more who have died and are dying after returning from war zones. All veterans, their families and civilians, need to be remembered.  I propose one tenet: that peace is the best alternative to war, and communication throughout the world by “we the people" and mediators is necessary to reduce and stop conflict.  There needs to be the discovery of harmony for peace with compassion and empathy.My thinking, prayers and respect are in remembering all who have passed on, and their service.

Louis Cohen (Koltun), Naples, Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 23

Lee County FEMA information

Why are Lee County commissioners afraid to keep the potentially 110,000 constituents informed about the status of FEMA's Community Rating System (CRS)? At the May 7 BoCC meeting I requested the commissioners leave this item on the agenda until the additional data is sent in by the June 10 deadline and FEMA makes a final determination.

At the May 21 BoCC meeting, as part of "Public Presentation of Matters by Citizens," I addressed the Board and said being they did not consider this item important enough to have an update about FEMA on the agenda, I would do my best to let people know the status. I said that Cape Coral and one other community completed and turned in the requested documents to FEMA. I asked about the progress being made by Lee County. Being told by politicians that they are "confident" the CRS of 25 percent will be reinstated is not a measurable outcome. Upon finishing my comments the Board referred me to the information on the website and said they cannot place every item on the agenda. The county manager was asked to provide data which is not on the website. The county manager stated 384 of the 414 requested documents have been completed and will be submitted before the June 10, 2024 deadline.

I was not allowed to address the comments by the county manager or Commissioner Hamman who specifically said the information is on Lee County's FEMA page. The site has not been updated since the beginning of May and there is no data about documents provided or the total number requested.

Joyce Campana, Fort Myers

Living in the free state

I consider myself extremely fortunate to live in the free state of Florida.  As Florida residents we are free to do anything we want to do!  And, as a secondary benefit, we have a governor who has our backs!  He has been instrumental in approving numerous laws that make our decisions for us.  Consequently, we can enjoy our lives without the burden and pressure of having to decide what to do!

For example; we don’t have to agonize over the decision to terminate a pregnancy.  Fortunately, Gov has made that decision for us − it’s not going to happen!  That was easy!  Another example; if you’re laboring under the hot summer sun and you think you might need a break − you don’t!  Gov says keep working, you’ll be fine!  And, if you’re concerned about contracting a deadly contagious virus while in public, not to worry.  Gov says no need for an inoculation or any other preventative measures − you’ll be fine!  So, you can’t decide which book to read next.  Relax!  Once again, Gov has your back!  He has compiled an extensive list of the books you can’t read which makes it much easier and less time consuming to decide which books you can read!  Oh, and tell the young-uns of your family not to fret over climate change.  Gov says the fires, floods, melting glaciers, increasing sea and land temperatures, and major storms are a hoax and they’ll be fine!  And, if you’re concerned over not having the money for a summer vacation, pack your bags!  Gov will fly you and the family on a charter flight to the beautiful island of Martha’s Vineyard at no charge!  Although, it only applies to roofers, laborers, landscapers, crop pickers, dishwashers, and mariachi musicians!

Consequently, not having to waste my time trying to decide what to do has been a blessing!  I now have time to do the things I’ve been putting off.  My wife and I have started playing Backgammon and Scrabble again and we’ve moved up Happy Hour to three o’clock!

Thank you, Gov!  My thoughts and prayers go out to you for making my life much easier and fulfilling!  I now know what the framers of our Constitution were trying to accomplish − FREEDOM!

Jay Custa, Estero

Rick Scott best for economy

Senator Rick Scott has said time and time again that the government should run like a business. That’s what he did in Florida by paying down state debt and living within the state’s means, and that’s what he fights for in Washington. It’s these kind of policies that allow our economy and small businesses like mine to thrive and create jobs. I trust Senator Scott to turn our economy around and because he knows how to do it – unlike politicians in D.C. that are spending our tax dollars into oblivion. I worry for the future of my business with four more years of Bidenomics. We can’t let it happen, which is why I’m proud to support Senator Rick Scott. He has what it takes to bring Florida’s success to the nation, and make sure every small business has the opportunity to succeed.

Bill Daubmann, South Fort Myers

Energy efficiency rebates

When our governor was running for the Republican presidential nomination, he desperately tried to show that he could be as radical as Donald Trump in demonizing Democrats and blocking efforts to mitigate climate change. DeSantis very publicly and proudly turned down $346 million from the Biden administration that was to be provided as rebates to help families make their homes and appliances more energy efficient. Making such upgrades not only saves people money but also helps to reduce global warming. Now, almost one year later, our state government is very quietly accepting those funds, all $346 million of them. Without the governor publicizing this offering as strongly as he publicized rejecting the money, the news may not reach many of the people who could take advantage of the rebates. Therefore, I will help spread the word here and let readers know that they can find out about the program at fdacs.gov/divisions-offices/energy/florida-energy-rebates. There they can also register for a webinar about the program to be held on May 29 at 2:00 p.m.

Patricia Duncan, Fort Myers

Republican dilemma

Gosh, if I was a fiscally conservative and socially moderate Republican, I’d have to admit that to continue calling myself a Republican no longer reflects my personal and patriotic identity.It must be a disheartening realization that to continue to support Republican candidates is a vote against the core principles of our sacred democracy and a vote for the anti-democratic madness of Donald Trump.My heartfelt sympathies to all the good, patriotic Republicans who find themselves facing this bizarre turn of events in their once Grand Old Party.

J. Cant, Naples

Electric car − I don’t think so!

All, and I do mean all, car manufacturers are touting electric cars and trucks. I mean, they are driving them down our throats. (pun intended) The wave of the future they say. So, let’s see:Higher upfront costs; Lithium battery production has significant environmental impact; Heat and cold affect battery performance; Batteries add significant weight to the vehicle; Limited towing capacity; Batteries degrade over time; Costly battery replacement. ($5,000 to $25,000 not including labor); Limited driving range. (Range anxiety); Limited charging stations.; Battery charging time. (Fast chargers 30 to 60 minutes); Battery recycling challenges.And the real kicker, would you buy a used electric vehicle? What is the first question you would ask? How old is the battery and how long will it hold a charge? Obviously, the used car market for these vehicles will be slim and none, and Slim just left town. So, go ahead and buy that electric car or truck and I will smile as I pass you at a charging station in my four-speed, dual quad, positraction, 427 with an internal combustion engine − assuming you can find one.

Lee Hawk, North Fort Myers

Reject Trump, vote Biden

What is becoming of the democratic process in America due to the allegiance of MAGA extremists who are aligning with the Donald Trump brand of democracy. Winner does not take all seems to be his attitude toward fair and verifiable election results which have served the republic well for over 250 years.

His public statement to the press that he will see what happens and maybe I won't accept the results if they are negative numbers for him is something quite foreign to those of us who have long believed and rightly so that the winner (by electoral votes) is the winner, just like in baseball, basketball or soccer. The winner goes home with a prize, the loser accepts, congratulates, and goes home vowing to do better next time. To hear "sore loser" Don and some of his acolytes espousing the same philosophy like Tim Scott for example. I and many Americans should get prepared for a repeat of 2020. If I don't win, then the election process must have been rigged and I will not accept it.Time to rise up folks and let your voices be heard about this folly and faulty thinking by resoundingly voting for Joe Biden.

Vincent McCarthy, Cape Coral

Democrat letter writers

A May 22 letter commented on the repetitiveness of letters from Democrats using the same theme, tone or words when criticizing a Republican position or person.  The writer suggested a better job to screening letters to save space and ink.  A few letters later on that day were two letters, back to back, negatively commenting on the Trump supporters who attended a day of the Trump trial.  Interesting how both letters used the same words (in different spots in their letters) and the same tone.  These letters read like a letter writing campaign or at least from the same source.

I agree with the first letter writer.  Editors, you could save us time and you ink.

Jim Thomas, Bonita Springs

Wisdom from Will Rogers

In response to the writer who suggested that the Collier Democratic Party is orchestrating letters to the editor: Please note the insight of Will Rogers who exclaimed, “I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.”

Joe Haack, Naples

Justices' poor judgment

With the recent depiction of an upside-down display of our flag on the front lawn of Justice Alito, we now have two judges sitting on the Supreme Court who do not have the requisite requirements to separate politics from justice.  He and Judge Thomas are both extremely guilty of colluding with a certain cult. They can blame their wives but that is the ultimate dereliction of their duty to the rule of law. Does Alito not know the display of his flag was a symbol of the “Stop the Steal” movement? Why not just put up a Swastika flag along with it. These two spineless justices should be, at the least, recused of any cases involving anything to do with Teflon Don who’s banking his whole life on winning the election and eliminating the cases against him.

Justice Roberts should expel them both on this basis alone. The “I didn’t know what my wife was doing” reasoning is tantamount to their poor judgment and backbone. They can’t be voted out so the only remedy is to cut the number of judges from nine to seven which will require that the Dems have full control of the Executive and Congressional branches. Please vote in November.

We need to get back to somewhat normal conditions.

Glenn Chenot, Cape Coral

Out-of-control spending

In Washington they are called earmarks, in Florida they are called turkeys or The Sprinkle List. What this amounts to is excessive local spending to get votes to pass a budget. The process has become the norm at both the state and federal level.

There is no longer a party of fiscal conservatives. Regardless of which party is in control there is excessive spending in part due to these norms. The lack of fiscal control by our elected officials is astonishing. It is only a matter of what the money gets spent on. From a new golf course for a university campus to social programs which improve the life of our underprivileged.

This is what you are deciding when you vote.

Steve Wiener, South Fort Myers

Donalds lost credibility

I heard that Byron Donalds is mulling a run for governor here in Florida; fascinating! Might I suggest googling a couple of his television interviews. He appeared on the Roland Martin show. Wow!!! He appeared on MSNBC's Joy Reid show. There are others of course; yet these two encapsulate his true being. Take my word; definitely worth watching. Can you say: Not ready for prime time? By all means, please watch these. Byron has set memorized lines he shoots out almost comically in the delivery. I think he did well enough in our state Legislature; he's absolutely lost all credibility when he "fell" in love with Donald Trump!!! I've made bad decisions when I thought I was in love. I hope Byron wakes up from his trance and does his job as our representative!

Robert Jenkins, Naples

Florida funding choices

I read in disgust the May 20th article about Florida not being willing to supplement or continue food programs for children or continue health care. The state turned down federal money (again) this time the money would help feed underprivileged children. We are given wishy-washy insulting reasons but we all know it's because federal money right now comes from the Biden administration, a Democrat.  Stop the political crap and step up like real men and women and use some of the state's $14.6 billion surplus money, or accept the federal funds for our most precious, the children. If this were a program to give the University of Florida $38.8 million for a 36 hole golf course, clubhouse and guest house (yes, for real) or build a new sports venue, or approve $100,000 to study leaf blowers (yes, for real), pay money to remove the word "climate change" wherever it's used, or pay millions to put fuel in the governor's jet the money would/has been flowing out of Tallahassee. Desantis has so far rejected 11 billion dollars headed to our state. It was rejected and sent to other states, which does not help rein in federal spending so you can't use that argument. The governor can talk all he wants about relying on churches and nonprofits to help feed hungry children but even the entities that help provide food like Bread for the World say if you lined up 10 empty grocery bags to fill only one could be filled by them.

L. Obrien, Fort Myers

Debate criteria

You may have seen that Donald Trump wants to have Joe Biden drug tested before their upcoming debates (not a joke).  The prevailing thought from the distant right being that President Biden must have been on some kind of “upper” or “accelerant” during his very well received State Of The Union speech.  Again, we must point out — not a joke.

So riding along with that particularly bumpy train of thought, here are some other “list of demands” that might be offered up by Trump for the upcoming debates

1) Only women will be allowed to be host and moderators — and only ones he finds attractive.  That probably counts out Anna Navarro (too short) Dana Bash (too thin), Gloria Borgen (too old) and Fox’s Sean Hannity (too male).

2) There must a minimum 48-hour surveillance of President Biden before the debate, making sure he is not eating anything healthy, drinking too many fluids, exercising, or getting too much rest — any or all which could unfairly enhance his debate performance.

3) If needed, depending on the results of his ongoing court cases, both candidates — not just him — should have to wear matching orange jump suits

4) Donald will be allowed to wear an electronic shock device to be manned by one of his close associates, just in the case he was to fall asleep during one of Biden’s long answers.

5) Profanity will not only be allowed but strongly encouraged.

6) The debate must be held outside of the State of New York, as an audience made of people that know him best would not be favorable to him.

7) There will be a poster placed directly behind Trump, with the signage saying “if you absolutely can’t stand voting for me? Then at least cast your vote for Robert Kennedy Jr.”

8) Hillary Clinton, Chris Christie and Nikki Haley must be seated in the first row.  Just in case he runs out of answers or can’t think of anything to say, he can always resort to making fun of them.

9) A special hotline phone will be allowed on his lectern, which will have direct access to Russian President Vladimir Putin, thus allowing Trump     during commercial breaks to check in with Vlade to see “ how am I doing so far”?

10)  If God forbid, the post-debate polls show that he lost the debate and Biden won, Trump will be allowed a recount, and if needed claim the debate was fixed.

J.C. Knox, Fort Myers

NFL and commencement speech

The NFL and the Kansas City Chiefs have both publicly stated that Butker's commencement speech at Benedictine College does not represent their views. Having read his entire speech, what they are saying then is that they do not support an individual being faithful to their religion, a man being a good father and husband, a woman choosing to be a mother and homemaker and anyone objecting to abortions. We all know that any player in any league does not speak for his organization or for the league, but the NFL and the Chiefs have said that his views do not represent their views. Since Butker made those points in his speech, the conclusion is obvious.

Ron Wobbeking, Naples

Biden a leader

Anyone that would call President Biden a puppet in office, must be from another planet, or lost all his common sense.   Biden has been a leader in Congress for some 30 years and VP for eight years under Obama, and now nearly four years as president. He, without any doubt, knows more about how government works than all the Republicans together in Washington.  He has worked his entire life helping the middle class, and the poor.

Someone even called Biden a coward, but that word just doesn’t fit this president. Donald J. Trump has called all American soldiers who died for our great country “suckers and losers.”  Trump is not only a coward, he has betrayed our Constitution in his attempt to overthrow a fair and legitimate election.  In my opinion, Trump has committed “treason” for the Jan. 6th (2121) insurrection.

E.L. “Bud” Ruff, Naples

Israel and America

The Obama/Biden Middle East Doctrine aligns a declining, post-Christian American Empire with an ascending, Islamist Iranian Empire, against Israel and our traditional partners in the Middle East. The euphemism for this cynical alliance is “Iranian regional integration,” and Hamas is one of its main pillars.The same U.S. policymakers who have repeatedly proven over the last 50 years that they are incapable of winning a war will not let Israel defeat Hamas, lest their incompetence be exposed, and that pillar be shaken.The American Empire may have become corrupt and complacent, but it still has vast reserves and two oceans to hide behind. Israel has neither. She faces genocidal enemies on her borders and is on the front lines of the war for Western civilization. An American administration that forces her to stand down or abandons her in battle is not simply foolish or ignorant, it is fundamentally immoral.Allen Menkin, Naples

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Sunday, May 26, 2024