Letters to the Editor: May 19, 2022

Clear-cutting tracts on grand scale shouldn't become standard practice

I've attempted to call the Indian River County Planning and Zoning Department with no success (no one there to take a call, according to a recorded message) about an issue that I hope will not become standard for development of new projects in the county. I refer to the total clear-cutting of a tract that has been given the necessary permitting to commence development.

Just off the corner of 27th Avenue and 4th Street near an elementary school, there is a several-acre parcel on 27th Avenue which is under development. It was previously heavily wooded but has now been totally clear-cut. I have seen other developments commencing in the same way.

Do this county's administrative and elected entities truly want to allow such a desecration of vegetated parcels? Can't anything be saved when building? It's a rhetorical question, obviously. Yes, trees and other native vegetation can be saved, as my own small residential development at the corner of 27th Avenue and 5th Street SW proves.

Prior to coming to Indian River County in 2007, I lived for 25 years in Palm Beach County and watched in no small horror to see large swaths of properties clear-cut for development. I served as an elected councilwoman in a Palm Beach municipality that learned during the major growth boom of the 1980s that they had better write some landscape ordinances before the community developed like some barren wasteland.

I sincerely hope that there is an awareness of what happens both aesthetically and in the natural environment when clear-cutting is done on a grand scale. Developmental disasters still abound in the counties to our south and I would like to think that IRC residents have no desire to see this county emulate the mistakes made in those places.

Barbara Yoresh, (unincorporated) Vero Beach


We should keep free, natural water and not buy from St. Lucie County

My Lakewood Park friends and neighbors should give serious thought before voting to approve St. Lucie County providing us with water.

When thinking about this decision, please consider this:

• Since 1973 my house has never had a “boil water” notice or no water at all due to a “water line” break.

• My house has never had a water meter misread or malfunction.

• I have never been subjected to the possibility of having my water “cut off.”

• My water is free, the county’s water is not.

• There is nothing wrong with my water.

• Why pay a special assessment and plumbing costs when you do not need it?

• Look at the ulterior motives of the county. Are they trying to make life easier for developers wanting to build thousands of homes out here by getting us to pay the cost of infrastructure?

Personally, (and speaking as an older person) I want St. Lucie County involved the least possible amount in my life. Here is a perfect example. Last month I got a building permit, paid for with a check, and got a receipt. Weeks later, after they cashed my check, St. Lucie County stated in writing I did not pay them. I had to involve my commissioner to get them off my back.

It is my opinion that we will deeply regret trading our free, natural water for paid-for water with chemical treatment and being subjected to the difficulties public utilities have.

Russell Pieper, Fort Pierce

A note: No lawn fertilizer can be used in IRC from June through September

We want to remind residents of Indian River County, including Vero Beach, Sebastian and Orchid, that fertilizer restrictions will go into effect on June 1.

We are coming into our rainy season when more nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus (as well as herbicides, pet waste, etc.) are likely to be washed from our lawns, driveways and roads into the storm water system and, ultimately, into our already impaired Indian River Lagoon.

The fertilizer ordinances passed by our communities prohibit the use of lawn fertilizer between June 1 and Sept. 30. No fertilizer containing phosphorus is to be used at any time. Nitrogen in fertilizer must be at least 50% slow-release nitrogen. Finally, no fertilizer is to be applied within 10 feet of any water body, a wetland, or from the top of a seawall.

If you use a lawn care provider, please discuss these regulations with them and ask them not to blow grass clippings onto the road or into storm drains. This vegetation contains the nutrients from fertilizer that only adds to the pollution of our waterways.

For details regarding the ordinance and fertilizing tips, please see the county’s video: https://www.ircgov.com/publicworks/stormwater/fertilizer.htm or email Alexis Peralta, the county’s stormwater educator and fertilizer enforcement officer, at aperalta@ircgov.com.

For your health and the health of our waterways, complying with the fertilizer ordinance is more important than ever as excess nutrients encourage the growth of harmful and possibly toxic algal blooms. These blooms are already being reported in other parts of our state. Please do your part to improve water quality by obeying the fertilizer ordinance.

Jean Catchpole, Vero Beach, is the chair of the Water & Lagoon Committee of the Indian River Neighborhood Association.

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Letters to the Editor: May 19, 2022