Letters to the editor: Flag is opposite of being inclusive; what genocide really means

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LGBTQ flag isn’t about inclusivity

On May 6, the Port Hueneme City Council accepted a motion to fly annually the LGBTQ flag during the month of June. According to the council this action will demonstrate the city’s inclusiveness and support for everyone in the city. The LGBTQ flag does not represent everyone in the city. Further flying it is in direct conflict with the City Policy manual:

“B. Principles and Standards. The principles and standards of ethical conduct for Port Hueneme City Councilmembers are hereby established as set forth below. 1. Act in the Public Interest. Recognizing that stewardship of the public interest must be their primary concern, Councilmembers will work for the common good of the people of Port Hueneme and not for any private or personal interest, and they will assure fair and equal treatment of all persons, claims and transactions coming before the Port Hueneme City Council.”

One city councilmember stressed the need for passing such a motion and expressed her pleasure this was done.

Flying the LGBTQ flag while excluding dozens of others is not inclusive. It is the opposite.

Only the United States flag and the state flag of California are inclusive. No other flags are.

The flagrant disregard for flags that actually symbolize everyone gave rise to City Councilmember Bobby Martinez asking if it was OK to fly the Mexican flag at City Hall during the visit of representatives from the sister city of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Is Mr. Martinez ignorant of what the president of Mexico declared to President Biden: “Mexico president orders Biden to meet demands or immigration invasion will continue,” or does our Port Hueneme Councilmember approve the treasonous invasion of the United States?

Mark J. Savalla Jr., Port Hueneme

Wrong definition of genocide

Re: Jeff Bellamar’s May 14 letter, “It’s not war, it’s genocide”:

According to Mr. Bellamar, “when only one side has WMDs, it’s not war, it’s genocide.” I don’t think that’s the correct definition. By that definition, the U.S. committed genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Granada, among a long list of other places.

If Mr. Bellamar seeks genocide, I suggest he look at Hamas’ founding documents, or think about the meaning of “from the river to the sea.”

Randy Sherren, Ventura

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: Flag is opposite of being inclusive; what genocide means