Letters to the editor: County needs affordable housing; publishing disinformation

More market-rate housing needed

Re: The Star’s May 12 editorial, “What will housing harvest yield?”:

The Star’s editorial hits the nail on the head about the solution to Ventura County’s housing crisis: We need to take an all-of-the-above approach to adding housing supply, including more apartments, more affordable housing and more market-rate homes.

The extent of the crisis is tremendous. Due to the continuing desirability of living in Ventura County and the decades-long restrictions on housing development, the median sales price of a single-family home here in April was $950,000. Just 3% of renters can afford to buy that median-priced home, and as a result, we’re seeing an exodus of younger families to more affordable locations.

The Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors strongly encourages the development of more market-rate housing because it is the key step to solving the crisis. The National Association of Home Builders estimates that for every new home sold, six existing home sales will take place as the newly vacated existing home is sold and so on down the line. That increases the chances that entry-level housing becomes available, allowing families to become homeowners and achieve the proven benefits of homeownership.

But it’s not just young families getting squeezed out of Ventura County. Our seniors, particularly those on fixed incomes, also feel the pressure. We thank Rep. Julia Brownley for cosponsoring HR 1321, The More Homes on the Market Act, which would increase inventory by doubling the capital gains exclusion and reduce the taxes seniors would have to pay when selling their primary residence to downsize or move to senior housing. It is long past time that we find a way to preserve Ventura County’s quality of life while providing housing for the next generation — helping ensure that the county’s economic strength and its quality of life continue.

Cami Pinsak, Camarillo, President of the Ventura County Coastal Association of Realtors

Twisted account of comments

Re: Mark J. Savalla Jr.’s May 16 letter, “LGBTQ flag isn’t about inclusivity”:

Everyone has a right to their opinion. But I would hope The Star would not publish misinformation.

As an aside in his letter, Mr. Savalla quotes the president of Mexico “declaring to President Biden” that “Mexico president orders Biden to meet demands or immigration will continue.”

This was not a quote from the Mexican president, but a talking point of the extreme right which has been traced to former Trump NSC advisor Tera Dahl and has bounced around the MAGA echo chamber since March.

Instead, this is a twisted account of the Mexican president’s comments on “60 minutes” in March in which he asserted that unless the foundational reasons for illegal migration to the U.S. are addressed, they will probably continue. No threat. No demands. We are in a battle between truth and lies. I would hope The Star would be careful not to print disinformation that can be researched and debunked in a matter of minutes.

Gary Murphy, Simi Valley

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: County needs affordable housing; printing disinformation