Letters to the Editor

We need to protect our healthcare

Everyone deserves access to high-quality healthcare services 24/7/365. And when you or a member find yourself in need, it’s typically your local hospital that you turn to for help.

As a Pastor at Grace United Church of Christ here in Lancaster, I feel blessed to have the opportunity to serve my congregation – and our whole community. That’s why it’s so personal to me that we protect the local hospitals and health systems that so many rely on — especially the most vulnerable among us. Hospitals serve everyone, including those with the greatest need and those who are most vulnerable. They’re also often the only place patients can turn to for lifesaving emergency treatment or complex, coordinated care. I am deeply worried about what could happen to my community if we were to lose access to the care our hospitals provide.

When hospitals close their doors, which we have seen happening all across the country this year due to high costs, it’s their communities that suffer. We can’t allow this to happen here in Lancaster. We must protect the same hospitals that are always there to care for us when we need them.

Keith McDevitt


This article originally appeared on Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Letters to the Editor