Letter: Is selling out country for a narcissistic buffoon worth it?

The Watergate scandal brought down the Nixon presidency in the 1970s because Republicans ceased their support of Nixon when his criminality became indisputable.

We live in a different era now. Today’s Republicans know that Trump is a career criminal. They know that he has led an immoral personal life. They know that the 2020 election was not stolen, and they know that Trump instigated the events of January 6, 2021. But they claim otherwise.

A few brave Republicans have refused to go along with this tawdry spectacle and have been ostracized from the party. But most, knowing that a sizable share of Republican voters live in a cocoon of denial, choose to go along with the charade. They do so out of fear of loosing the next election. Which prompts the question: Can a few more years on the Washington gravy train really be worth more than one’s integrity? Do folks like Lindsey Graham want their legacy to be that they sold the country out for a narcissistic buffoon simply because millions of people don’t see him for what he is?

Joel Sanders, Montgomery

This article originally appeared on Montgomery Advertiser: Letter: Is selling out country for a narcissistic buffoon worth it?