Letter to the editor: Biden committed to military

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This Memorial Day, we honor our valiant troops and veterans. Sadly, not everyone shares this respect. His White House Chief of Staff, USMC General John Kelly, revealed that Donald Trump, the face of the GOP, has called our troops “suckers” and “losers.” Our troops, our veterans, and their friends and families will never forget.

Such disrespectful remarks from the prospective GOP candidate betray the longstanding Republican support for the military. We must consider the consequences of supporting a leader who belittles our service members. How can we maintain morale when the Commander-in-Chief disparages them? Why would recruits enlist in a military whose Commander-in-Chief calls its soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines “suckers” and “losers?”

Our national security relies on electing a president who values and uplifts our troops. Fortunately, Joe Biden has consistently demonstrated his commitment to our military. By uniting behind him, we can send a clear message: We stand with our troops and against those who disrespect them. Let’s honor our heroes by voting for a leader who respects their sacrifice.

Joe Connett, Ventura

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letter to the editor: Biden committed to military