Letter: Community center in Tribble Park is too big, too expensive

City of Savannah plans for a community center at Tribble Park.
City of Savannah plans for a community center at Tribble Park.

This letter is by Savannahian Barbara Pearson.

The City of Savannah has released two videos announcing the placement of a 17,000 square-foot building into Joseph Tribble Park. They made this decision without the additional public meetings for input residents were told would take place.  Residents are now pushing back because what they thought was still under discussion is being treated as a done deal and the city is intent on moving ahead. A beautiful park that is a peaceful, natural haven in Savannah is going to be ruined by this plan.

We have repeatedly been told that the other potential sites are not viable.  In particular, the city owns a property at the corner of Windsor Road and Largo Drive that is 2.02 acres (87,000 sq. ft.)  which they insist is too small for the building and necessary parking.  The cost to simply prepare the area in Tribble Park to have a building put on it is estimated by the city to be $1 million more than the cost to prepare the lot at the Windsor/Largo location.Our alderman paints the opposition to this plan as a “select few” who are resistant to change while he holds closed meetings at a golden age center where he tells them what he wants them to believe.There is a public meeting on May 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the Windsor Forest Community Center, 308 Briarcliff Circle.  Residents of Windsor Forest and neighboring communities need to make their voices heard.

This article originally appeared on Savannah Morning News: Letter: Community center in Tribble Park is too big, too expensive