When does Lent end? What you need to know about the religious celebration

Feb. 14 marks the start of Lent, a 40-day religious celebration observed by many Christian denominations, including Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox traditions.

Every year, the celebration begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts about six weeks before ending on Holy Thursday. The dates of Lent vary each year due to its adherence to the liturgical calendar. In 2024, Lent will run from Feb. 14 to March 28. Good Friday is the following day.

The religious event is meant to commemorate the 40 days Jesus Christ spent fasting in the desert, according to the Gospels. According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lent is celebrated through "prayer, fasting and almsgiving." People who choose to participate follow certain rules to prepare themselves for Easter.

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When does Lent start?

Lent began on Feb. 14, which was Ash Wednesday.

When does Lent end?

Lent ends on March 28, also known as Holy Thursday.

What is Lent?

According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic followers should adhere to the following rules during Lent.

  • Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are mandatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics.

  • All Fridays during Lent are also obligatory days of meat abstinence.

  • When fasting, Catholic followers are not required to fast completely but rather to eat one full meal and two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full one.

  • Members of the congregation can decide to extend Good Friday fasting until the Easter vigil. This practice is called the "paschal fast," which is meant to honor the suffering and death of Jesus, according to the Conference of Catholic bishops.

The norms concerning meat abstinence apply to members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onward, and the norms of fasting are obligatory for Catholic followers aged 18 through 59, according to the conference.

According to Stewardship, a UK-based Christian nonprofit, orthodox and traditional denominations typically follow more strict rules during Lent, which involve wearing ashes on Ash Wednesday and abstaining from meat, fish, eggs and fats every day except Sundays during Lent.

Some followers also opt to give up a single indulgence for Lent. That indulgence can be sweets, alcohol, meat or other foods and drinks. Some people also choose to stop doing activities and give up daily habits like watching television, using social media, smoking or going to the gym to reprioritize their faith, according to the organization.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: When does Lent end? Here's what you need to know