‘Legends Of Tomorrow’: How Powerful Is The Spear of Destiny?

At the end of the midseason finale of “Legends of Tomorrow,” Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher) revealed to his fellow Legion of Doom members, Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) and Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman, that their next mission is to find the Spear of Destiny. Although the speedster didn’t say much about the artifact, he did tell his allies that the special relic can change time itself. But what does that really mean?

In a couple of recent interviews, executive producer Phil Klemmer expanded on what the spear can do and why the Legends have to find the spear before the Legion does.

“So far this season we’ve been traveling around in time, correcting aberrations. But the second you correct something, somebody could just go back and screw it up all over again,” Klemmer explained to TVLine. “The Spear of Destiny [on the other hand] allows you to change reality itself — which also means that somebody can’t go back and change it. It renders our team ineffectual, because as a mystical artifact that is derived from the blood of Christ … it imparts a divine power upon whomever wields it.”

Klemmer told Entertainment Weekly in a separate interview that the spear is so powerful that it “can erase the Legends [or anyone for that matter] from ever having existed with no time aberrations.”

When asked why exactly the Legion is looking for the spear, Klemmer said: “Obviously, the bad guys want it because it’s a powerful thing. [But] as we get into the back half of the season, you get into the pathos psychology of why each of our members of the Legion of Doom wants it, because it’s just boring if bad guys just want the Spear of Destiny just to be bad with. We dig out the personal reasons why Malcolm Merlyn, Eobard Thawne, and Damien Darhk each want it. They’re bad guys, but they’re also human beings.”

The exec producer said that episode 10, which is told from the Legion’s point of view, will reveal why they want to find and wield the spear themselves.

“Legends of Tomorrow” midseason premiere (Season 2, episode 9) airs tonight at 9 p.m. EST on The CW.

‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Season 2 Characters
‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Season 2 Characters

“Legends of Tomorrow” executive producer Phil Klemmer said that the Spear of Destiny is so powerful that it “can erase the Legends [or anyone for that matter] from ever having existed with no time aberrations.” Photo: The CW

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