Legally blind 15-year-old pole vaulter competes at Texas state meet but is unable to win medal

Legally blind 15-year-old pole vaulter competes at Texas state meet but is unable to win medal

AUSTIN, Texas - A legally blind 15-year-old pole vaulter cleared three heights at the Texas state championship but failed to win a medal.

Charlotte Brown of rural Emory Rains High School was one of the top qualifiers in girls' Class 3A with a height of 11 feet, 6 inches. Her best vault of Saturday's final was 10-6 and she missed on three chances at 11-0.

Brown was born with normal vision but developed problems while an infant. She has no depth perception, sees no colour and cannot distinguish shapes. Her range of vision is similar to looking through a tiny straw. She reads Braille and will get a seeing eye dog next month.

Brown, a sophomore, says she's honoured to compete at the state meet and promises to return.