League of Legends Patch 7.6 buffs Cho’Gath, Aatrox, and other niche picks

Fiddlesticks is getting some help with his Drain (Riot Games)
Fiddlesticks is getting some help with his Drain (Riot Games)

Sometimes you’ve just got to let the game breathe. League of Legends Patch 7.6 seems to be doing just that. Filled with small tweaks, the patch notes released today won’t change all that much in the highest levels of play. But for fans of some of the off-kilter picks, there’s some stuff for you.

Up first, Aatrox. After his small rework in Patch 7.5, he got a couple of mid-patch buffs to his base health, Q cooldown, and base damage on his W active. Now, he’ll be getting a full Blood Well upon reviving from his passive. Cho’Gath can now stack his ultimate even higher off of large monsters and gets more health per stack. Fiddlesticks’ Q has a longer cast range and the cooldown on his W gets refunded if he kills his target with it.

While it’s cool to see some of these more niche picks getting attention from Riot Games, it’s hard to imagine these buffs will make them contested picks in competitive play.

Riot is also working to help out some of the champs most hurt by the Lethality and Deathfire Touch changes in Patch 7.4. Notably, Miss Fortune is getting a damage buff to her Q, Quinn gets more attack speed from her passive and respawns in Valor form, and Varus gets more cooldown reduction on his Q when it pops his passive.

Meta staples Gnar and Orianna are getting small buffs. Gnar is getting health regen buffs while in mini form, while Orianna’s Ball stays on the ground if the target of her E dies, rather than snapping back to her.

Finally, Warlord’s Bloodlust now gives 3-40% (based on level) of total AD in health back to the attacker, rather than straight up lifesteal.

Oh, and this is the patch with the new and improved (?) Galio. He’ll be rolling out tomorrow with the launch of Patch 7.6.

That’s it for this time around. If you want the full details, head over to the Patch 7.6 notes. For everything else, stay right here on the Yahoo Esports League of Legends hub.

Taylor Cocke doesn’t play any of these champions, so he’s finding it hard to care. Follow him on Twitter @taylorcocke.