Lawsuit: Teen’s sex romps with female teacher so mind-blowing he can’t join Marines

Lawsuit: Teen’s sex romps with female teacher so mind-blowing he can’t join Marines
Lawsuit: Teen’s sex romps with female teacher so mind-blowing he can’t join Marines

A former Dallas-area student is suing a school district and his one-time teacher because, he claims, the sexual relationship he had with the teacher inflicted such extensive emotional and physical damage that he has been forced to delay entry into the Marine Corps.

The teacher at the center of the lawsuit is Rachelle Heenan, reports the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. She taught forensic science in the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw school district in the suburban sprawl of the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex.

The now-adult student litigant is going by the pseudonym Mark Smith.

In the complaint, filed on Friday, the ex-student alleges that Heenan, then 34, repeatedly exploited the then 17-year-old boy’s adolescent, still-developing mind by engaging in raunchy sexting sessions and, eventually, a slew of sex romps—during school events, in Heenan’s vehicle and in at least one local hotel.

The teacher-student sex frolics occurred in 2012.

Heenan “assaulted, raped and battered” the 17-year-old male student “in her capacity of teacher/educator, in violation of the law,” the lawsuit claims.

In May 2012, school district officials placed Heenan on leave. By February 2013, she was indicted for having an improper relationship with a student. She copped a guilty plea and received five years of probation. She also gave up her teaching certificate.

The civil lawsuit further asserts that all the sex so stunted the student emotionally, that he has been forced to postpone entry into the U.S. Marine Corps.

The student had planned to enter the Marine Corps in June 2012, just a day after his high school graduation.

He wanted to be a diesel mechanic in the Marines, but that dream is on hold now because of the sex-related trauma.

“He was mentally impacted by what happened,” lawyer representing the student, Bobbie Edmonds, told the Star-Telegram “He was impressionable, and there was the age difference and the fact that she was a teacher.”

School district officials said they had no comment on the lawsuit.

The inexact financial damages requested in the suit are more than $24,000.

At the time when the teacher-sex story came to light in the local press, Dallas-area ABC affiliate WFAA noted that Heenan was married. It’s not clear what her marital status is currently.

Heenan’s information on the website of Hollenstein Career and Technology Center had said some of her hobbies were “spending time with my family, hunting or shopping.”

She has two children.

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