Lawsuit to allow Ivermectin to be administered to Jacksonville man moves to 1st District Court

The new wing under construction (center) and the glass-enclosed walkways that connect to the new parking garage are among multiple expansion projects underway at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville.
The new wing under construction (center) and the glass-enclosed walkways that connect to the new parking garage are among multiple expansion projects underway at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville.

The family of Daniel Pisano, who has been given a 5 percent chance of surviving COVID-19 as he lays ventilated at the Mayo Clinic, has continued their legal fight to force the hospital to allow an outside doctor to give Pisano Ivermectin, as well as other drugs, in a bid to save his life.

On Jan. 7, lawyers filed for the case to be moved to the 1st District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee. On Jan. 11 the court decided to expedite the case and has ordered Mayo Clinic's lawyers to submit a reply to the family's emergency petition to allow Pisano to be treated with Ivermectin.

Pisano family lawyers moved the case to the 1st District Court after Circuit Court Judge Marianne Aho denied an emergency petition to allow the treatment and did not recuse herself from the case, despite the lawyers' request that she do so.

Pisano, 71, was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at Mayo Clinic on Dec. 18 and on Dec. 22 doctors intubated him and placed him on a ventilator. Pisano's family asked Mayo Clinic to allow Dr. Eduardo Balbona, who has his own private practice in Riverside, to administer Ivermectin and other drugs to try to save Pisano's life, but the Mayo refused.

More: 'Political hand grenade': Family sues Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville to allow ivermectin for dying COVID patient

More: A day of life and death in a COVID hotspot: Jacksonville

Balbona tells The Times-Union that he has used an Ivermectin treatment in combination with other drugs on other patients who were sick with COVID-19 and that it helped them recover.

"It may not be about Ivermectin. I've never used Ivermectin alone. It's part of the protocol and if you use this protocol, chances are you're going to survive," Balbona said. "I've worked hard to find the patient who won't and I can't find them."

Scientists are still studying whether Ivermectin could be used as a treatment for COVID-19. Ivermectin is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat certain parasites and tropical diseases, including scabies, and has been used widely for human use. It is not officially approved to treat any viruses in the United States.

Chris Pisano, Daniel Pisano's son, says his father will likely now need a tracheotomy to move the ventilator into his windpipe. It's a procedure reserved for people who are expected to require prolonged mechanical ventilation. The elder Pisano has now been on a ventilator for 22 days.

Pisano and his wife of 51 years had just moved to Jacksonville from North Carolina in early December to be near his son and grandchildren.

Chris said his uncle died of COVID-19 in California, and doctors there also refused treatment that included Ivermectin. That's when he began to do more research on the drug and found the website of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, a nonprofit organization that promotes the use of Ivermectin and other drugs.

He says the nonprofit's protocol is "pretty much" the same that Balbona wants to do for his father. It includes hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, vitamins and an array of other prescription drugs.

"On the 11th he started this journey in Mayo," Chris told The Times-Union, speaking from the hospital where he visits his father every afternoon. "And it's just been very, very tough since then."

Katherine Lewin is the enterprise reporter at the Times-Union covering criminal and social justice issues in Northeast Florida. Email her at or follow on Twitter @KatherineMLewin. Contact her for her Signal number to share anonymous tips and documents. Support local journalism!

This article originally appeared on Florida Times-Union: Mayo Clinic refuses to administer Ivermectin treatment despite lawsuit