Lawmakers continue calls for accountability from state housing agency

Oregon State Representatives congregate in the House.
Oregon State Representatives congregate in the House.

Calls for accountability from Oregon Housing and Community Services grew louder during the Oregon Legislature's special legislative session Monday, with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle seeking oversight or new leadership at the agency.

Lawmakers were back in the Oregon Capitol to extend the state's eviction "safe harbor" for those who have applied for rental assistance and allot $215 million in state and federal dollars toward supporting landlords and tenants. Gov. Kate Brown signed all four bills Tuesday afternoon, her office said.

Sen. Kayse Jama, D-Portland, and Rep. Julie Fahey, D-Eugene, sent a letter to Secretary of State Shemia Fagan during the proceedings, requesting a performance audit of the agency and its distribution of hundreds of millions of dollars in state and federal rental assistance.

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While the pair wrote that they understood the unprecedented pressure the state placed on OHCS during the fallout of the pandemic-related economic recession, they said they are "deeply troubled" by the technical challenges, lack of communication and slow disbursement of aid that plagued the agency.

"We have an obligation to hold agencies accountable for how they implement programs and deliver services — especially when implementation problems could lead to such a potentially tragic result for so many Oregonians," Fahey and Jama wrote.

Rep.Julie Fahey, D-Eugene gives the third reading of SB 891 during the second special session at the Oregon State Capitol Building in Salem, Ore. on Monday, Dec. 13, 2021.
Rep.Julie Fahey, D-Eugene gives the third reading of SB 891 during the second special session at the Oregon State Capitol Building in Salem, Ore. on Monday, Dec. 13, 2021.

Oregon Housing and Community Services spokeswoman Delia Hernandez said the agency would be willing to participate in an audit.

"Any type of review or audit is welcome," she said.

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Meanwhile, top Republicans called for Gov. Kate Brown to replace Margaret Salazar as executive director of the agency and laid the blame at the feet of Democrats for allowing problems to persist.

Sen. Kayse Jama, D-Portland, on the Senate floor during the legislative session on Wednesday. Sen. Jama was the chief sponsor of Senate Bill 778.
Sen. Kayse Jama, D-Portland, on the Senate floor during the legislative session on Wednesday. Sen. Jama was the chief sponsor of Senate Bill 778.

These issues become only more important to address now, they said, after the Legislature voted to give the agency an additional $215 million.

“Democrat state leaders have not addressed the numerous errors and mistakes at OHCS that are hurting Oregonians," House Republican Leader Vikki Breese-Iverson, R-Prineville, said in a statement. "House Republicans urge significant changes to these agencies under Democrat control. We call on the governor to dramatically increase oversight to ensure this money gets to real people in need.”

An estimated 8,000 Oregonians are at risk of eviction for non-payment of rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the state's housing agency has been unable to process their applications within the current 60-day window.

Director of Oregon Housing and Community Services Margaret Salazar speaks during a celebration of Operation Welcome Home outside a new veterans housing complex in Independence, Oregon, on Wednesday, July 31, 2019.
Director of Oregon Housing and Community Services Margaret Salazar speaks during a celebration of Operation Welcome Home outside a new veterans housing complex in Independence, Oregon, on Wednesday, July 31, 2019.

Under the bills — which passed the Legislature with bipartisan support — tenants won't be evicted for non-payment for as long as their rental assistance applications are pending, until June 30, 2022.

The state's slow processing of applications has resulted in thousands of renters being evicted while waiting for the money they and their landlords are due. The state's 60-day "safe harbor" period became law in June and was quickly proven to be inadequate.

According to OHCS, the agency has paid out 24,705 of the 58,849 applications for federal assistance as of Dec. 8.

The state stopped taking applications on Dec. 1 after allocating all $289 million in federal dollars it had been given. Officials said the application portal would be closed for at least six weeks.

If the state reopens the rental assistance application portal, as OHCS has said they will do in January, those applicants will be protected through Sept. 30, 2022.

Reporter Connor Radnovich covers the Oregon Legislature and state government. Contact him at or 503-399-6864, or follow him on Twitter at @CDRadnovich.

This article originally appeared on Salem Statesman Journal: Lawmakers continue calls for accountability from state housing agency