Law School's Dwindling Appeal, Ticket Brokers at the Super Bowl, and Tina Fey

Behind the New York Times pay wall, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Law school applications are dropping, and the "startling numbers have plunged law school administrations into soul-searching debate about the future of legal education and the profession over all." 

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World: Beijing takes measures to address "hazardous" smog, including "temporarily shutting down more than 100 factories and ordering one-third of government vehicles off the streets, according to official news reports." 

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U.S.: With cod depleted, fishery management officials vote to impose "drastic" cuts to the commercial harvest. 

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New York: The Newtown community offers emotional testimony in a local forum

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Technology: Hackers from China have been infiltrating the Times ever since their Wen Jiabao investigation ran in October. 

Health: Two studies about malnutrition out of Malawi "reveal that severe malnutrition often involves more than a lack of food, and that feeding alone may not cure it." 

Sports: Ticket brokers' cash-heavy Super Bowl ticket sales operation.  

Opinion: The nightclub fire in Brazil "has, like other tragedies, revealed the best and the worst of Brazilian society," according to Antônio Xerxenesky.

Television: Alessandra Stanley writes that Tina Fey, upon the ending of 30 Rock, leaves primetime the way she entered it, "as a sly observer who bites the network that feeds her so much material." 

Fashion & Style: As New York Fashion Week approaches, the fashion world is in high panic mode over the flu and other illness, apparently.