Law enforcement agencies search State Judicial Administration premises

Editor's note: The story is being updated.

Officers of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) are carrying out searches at the premises of the State Judicial Administration, the judicial body announced on May 21.

The searches are connected to possible criminal conduct of the administration's Information Technologies Department employees during a tender process, according to the statement.

"The State Judicial Administration has zero tolerance for corruption and will in every way support the work of law enforcement agencies to establish the truth and bring the guilty to justice," the news release said.

NABU and the SBU made no public announcements at the time of the publication.

No further details were provided at the moment.

The State Judicial Administration mentioned in its press release that in February, the director of the administration's IT department was reprimanded over disciplinary offenses. The statement did not explicitly link the case to the May 21 searches.

Read also: Top judicial official, previously accused of holding Russian citizenship, resigns

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