The Latest: LA school board votes to end random searches

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Latest on the Los Angeles school board voting on whether to ban random searches (all times local):

8:15 p.m.

The nation's second-largest school district has moved to end random student searches at secondary schools.

The board of the Los Angeles Unified School District voted Tuesday to end daily random metal-detector searches by July 1, 2020. The board asked the superintendent to come up with an alternative safety policy.

Schools still can search students if they suspect rule violations.

Random searches were introduced in the wake of deadly school shootings around the country.

But critics said the "wanding" searches were ineffective, intrusive and although supposedly random, skewed toward blacks and other minorities.

A coalition called Students Not Suspects released a report last year that said weapons were found in only a tiny fraction of the random searches and none of them were guns.

Dozens of speakers at the meeting opposed the searches.


9:52 a.m.

The board of the Los Angeles Unified School District will vote on a resolution to end the use of wand metal detectors in random student searches.

The item on the agenda at the board's regular meeting Tuesday calls for the practice to be phased out by July 1, 2020. It requests Superintendent Austin Beutner to propose an alternative.

Critics say the random searches are ineffective and demeaning.