Time to vote. Here’s your last-minute guide to Tuesday’s primary in Illinois

Have you decided to vote in the Illinois primary Tuesday?

If so, the Belleville News-Democrat has compiled a last-minute Voter Guide for you:

Where can I find the views of the candidates running in the Tuesday, March 19 Illinois primary?

The Belleville News-Democrat reached out to candidates in contested primary races and asked them to complete a questionnaire about their experience and views.

You can find their answers in the BND Voter Guide link at bnd.com or by typing this URL - bit.ly/BNDVOTE2024 - in the address bar of your web browser.

There are 13 contested primary races for federal, state and local offices in the metro-east as candidates seek to be their party’s nominee for the general election on Nov. 5.

These primary races include the 12th Congressional District Republican primary battle between Darren Bailey and U.S. Rep. Mike Bost as well as the Madison County Board Chair Republican primary race between Kurt Prenzler and Chris Slusser.

The BND also has reached out to three area school districts that have referendums on the ballot:

  • Collinsville School District 10 is requesting voter approval for the school board to transfer funds it will get from retiring bonds issued in the early 2000s to another part of its budget.

  • Whiteside School District 115 wants to issue about $10.6 million in bonds for an addition to the elementary school.

  • Aviston School District 21 is asking whether the district should increase its maximum educational fund tax rate from 0.92% to 1.12% per $100 of assessed valuation. In other words, it’s requesting to raise the rate from 92 cents to $1.12 to hire more teachers and support staff.

What time will the polls open and close in southwest Illinois on Tuesday?

Polls will be open in St. Clair, Madison, Monroe, Clinton, Bond, Washington and Randolph counties at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.

Polls at the Rec Complex of Fairview Heights, Ill. on March 18 sitting in wait for Tuesday’s primary.
Polls at the Rec Complex of Fairview Heights, Ill. on March 18 sitting in wait for Tuesday’s primary.

Can I vote in Illinois if I’m in line when polls close?

Yes. All voters in line by 7 p.m. will be able to cast their ballot. Voters must visit their assigned precinct.

Is early voting still available?

Yes. The early voting period ends on the evening of Monday, March 18. Hours and locations vary so check with your local election office. You can also see sample ballots on the websites of the area election offices.

Can I still mail in my ballot?

Yes, but the ballot must be postmarked by Tuesday, March 19 and arrive within 14 days, which is April 2, to be counted in the final, official tally.

Where can I find my polling place?

Check your voter registration card. If you can’t find that card, you can go to the Illinois State Board of Elections website, click on the “Information for voters” tab on the upper left and then click on “Registration/polling place lookup.” Then type in your ZIP code and street address to see your polling place.

What if I see something that concerns me at a polling place?

The Illinois State Board of Elections recommends that you speak with an election judge at the polling place. In St. Clair County, you can call the county clerk’s office at 618-825-2366 to report a concern. You also can send an email to VoterIntegrity@stclaircountyil.gov

When can I put my mail-in ballot in a drop box?

It must be dropped off by 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 19. In St. Clair County, there is a drop box in front of the courthouse in downtown Belleville.

Can I drop off my mail-in ballot at an Illinois polling place?

No, but you can vote at your polling place if you surrender the mail-in ballot to election judges at the polling place.

Can I still vote on March 19 if I’m not registered?

Yes. Several sites in the metro-east are offering what’s known as grace period registration, but you must register and vote in the same visit.

If I have a physical disability, how can I get help at my polling place?

You can go to the polling place with a companion who can help you complete a ballot if the person signs an affidavit.

What’s the weather forecast for Tuesday?

The National Weather Service forecasts a high of 65 with sunny skies.

Where can I get election results?

Go to bnd.com on Tuesday night to get initial, unofficial results from across the region. You can use these unofficial results to get a sense of the winner in races that are not close. But we won’t have official election results on Tuesday night. Final results - a combination of early voting and Tuesday voting - won’t be complete until they are certified by election officials. Local and state election authorities will complete their canvass of election results next month.

Some of Tuesday night’s unofficial results will also be in Thursday’s e-edition of the News-Democrat. You can also help with our coverage on Election Day by sharing your voting experience, questions and tips via email at Election2024@bnd.com.