The Last Guardian game finally spreads its wings for PlayStation 4

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Sony's first preview of the evening, The Last Guardian, drew massive applause from the excited audience at E3 2015. Screenshot by Jessica Dolcourt/CNET

Among the new gaming franchises and titles that Sony introduced Monday night at E3 2015 comes one throwback title that hit the crowd right in their nostalgia-loving hearts. The Last Guardian is finally here, and it's coming to the Sony PlayStation 4 console.

Originally planned for a 2011 release (and begun in 2007), the adventure game -- known for its atmospheric environment and unlikely friendship between a boy and a giant winged mammal (Trico, for fans) -- opened Sony's 2-hour-plus keynote.

Fans loudly applauded the trailer, which steeped touching scenes between the boy and his creature friend in minor chords, and mist and moss.


Just a boy and his flying deer-giraffe-cat-thing pal. Screenshot by Jessica Dolcourt/CNET

Compared with the raucous, feisty female-anchored trailer that followed, Horizon: Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian's slow pacing certainly seems like it belongs to a bygone era. However, if longtime fans take the bait, Sony can count on sales that, if not epic themselves, at least do this particular epic game some justice.

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