Will Las Vegas shooting hit tourism – and does the lack of gun controls put you off visiting the US?

A vigil is held for the 59 who died in the Las Vegas shooting - Getty Images
A vigil is held for the 59 who died in the Las Vegas shooting - Getty Images

Las Vegas is the sixth most visited city in the US, accounting for just under 10 per cent of the nation’s overseas arrivals.

Behind only the behemoths of New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Orlando and San Francisco, Nevada’s Sin City welcomes 3.3 million people from abroad each year - excluding Mexico and Canada - just over five times its population. Nearly 43 million people, taking into account domestic tourism, visited in 2016.

Las Vegas is the US city most dependent on tourism - Credit: Getty
Las Vegas is the US city most dependent on tourism Credit: Getty

The city best known for its hedonistic nightlife and gambling culture is, however, top of the table when it comes to its dependency on tourism. No other city in the US has a higher percentage of people employed in the private leisure sector, while Las Vegas is the ninth biggest employer in the hospitality industry as a whole.

According to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitor Bureau, tourism accounts for about 44 per cent of the area’s work force, with more than 250,000 people making a living in hotels, restaurants, bars and casinos, and 100,000 employed in additional services. Not even Orlando, Florida, home to Disney World, has so many of its eggs in one basket.

In short, in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in US history, Las Vegas will be keen to ensure there is no lasting impact on the world’s desire to keep visiting.

Will the shooting keep tourists away from Las Vegas?

It seems unlikely. Las Vegas has seen its visitor numbers increase steadily since 1970, when just 6.8 million people made a pilgrimage to the middle of the Mojave Desert. Growth paused 2008-09 for the recession but has since picked up pace again. Last year’s 43 million was a record.

Year-to-date figures are currently down 0.9 per cent on last year, but much of the US has this year had to contend with a “Trump Slump” in their arrivals.

The second largest mass shooting in US history presents a grim but handy comparison when considering the impact on Las Vegas tourism.

Orlando's visitor numbers have not been impacted by the night club shooting - Credit: Getty
Orlando's visitor numbers have not been impacted by the night club shooting Credit: Getty

Last June Omar Mateen killed 49 people and wounded nearly 60 when he carried out an attack at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, a city where one in four people is employed in the leisure sector.

Statistics from Visit Orlando show the attack has not been detrimental to tourism. Orlando as a whole has seen a 3.3 per cent increase in visitors so far this year, compared with 2016, while Orlando Central and South, near where the atrocity took place, have seen 3.3 per cent and 2.6 per cent growth respectively.

“Orlando's tourism industry experienced widespread growth during the first half of 2017 when compared to the same timeframe last year. The hotel industry saw increases across all key metrics,” said Visit Orlando.

Another recent mass shooting was the attack at San Bernardino in California in December 2015, when Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people. In 2016 the Californian city saw a rise in travel spending from $3.7billion to $4.1billion, while the state as a whole celebrated a 1.9 per cent rise in visitor numbers. It expects a further growth of 2.1 in 2017.

In its end of year report, the tourist board recognised that it had seen a decline in Mexican arrivals “as a result of tensions between Mexico and the United States”, but makes no mention of the San Bernardino shooting.

In brief | Worst US mass shootings

Does the Foreign Office warn Britons about gun crime in the US?

Statistics show that the more guns a population has, the more gun deaths there are.

The United States ranks 12th in the world for gun deaths, with 10.5 per 100,000 people - only a whisker behind 11th placed Burundi, a war-torn nation to which the US State Department warns against travel - with 10.9 deaths per 100,000 people. According to figures from the UN office on drugs and crime, the US has 88 guns for every 100 people, more than anywhere else in the world. A survey from the Small Arms Survey in 2012 had the figure at 112.6 per 100 people, meaning there is more than one gun for each American citizen.

The world mapped according to gun ownership

Given that travellers to many of the countries in the top 10 for gun deaths are warned of the risks (the Foreign Office warns of Colombia, which is number one, with 59.3, that “crime rates remain high” and that street crime is a problem in major cities), what is the advice for the US?

“Violent crime, including gun crime, rarely involves tourists, but you should take care when travelling in unfamiliar areas,” it says. “Avoid walking through less travelled areas along, especially at night.”

Which US cities have the highest rate of shootings – and does it impact tourism?

Cities with consistently high murder rates include St Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia and Los Angeles.

Chicago has experienced a surge in its murder rate - Credit: Getty
Chicago has experienced a surge in its murder rate Credit: Getty

Murder in the US is rising at its fastest pace in a quarter of a century. Using statistics from 73 of 83 US cities with populations over 250,000, data analysts Five Thirty Eight calculated a 11.3 per cent increase, following a hike of 14.8 per cent from 2014 to 2015.

The data highlighted Chicago (59 per cent increase) and Memphis (56 per cent), San Antonio (61 per cent) and even Las Vegas (31 per cent) as big-hitters. It showed that St Louis remained the national murder capital of the US, with nearly 60 murders per 100,000 residents.

So what of visitor numbers to Chicago, number 10 in the ranking for welcoming the most overseas visitors. According to Choose Chicago, as the murder rate shot up, the city saw a 2.5 per cent increase in domestic and overseas visitors, to a record 53.9 million, breaking the previous record of 52.6, achieved in 2015.

Countries with more guns have more mass shootings

In 2015, St Louis welcomed 23.9 million visitors. In 2016 this number rose to 25.8 million.

Compare that to other destinations around the world to have suffered falls in their tourism numbers after terror attacks. Paris, Brussels and Nice all experienced slumps in the wake of attacks, while visitor numbers to Tunisia and Egypt have plummeted. 

Does Las Vegas anticipate a fall in tourist numbers?

The US tourist board has not yet responded to a request for comment. However, a statement released by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority read:

“The thoughts and prayers of all of Las Vegas go out to the victims and their families. This was a horrific, yet isolated, incident. At this time, it is important to allow the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police to conclude their investigation into the incident and to attend to the needs of the victims and their families. Las Vegas is a strong community that will work through this tragic incident. We are grateful beyond words to our incomparable law enforcement, first responders and everyone who continues to help victims and their families.”

Do gun controls vary from state to state?

Yes, and some states are considered more relaxed than others when it comes to gun control. The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence has developed a point system that grades all 50 US states on the relative strengths of their laws of firearms.

It ranks Mississippi as the worst, followed by Missouri and Kansas. Each received an F grading.

Of Mississippi, the organisation said: “In 2016 Mississippi weakened its gun laws by allowing concealed carry without a license, giving it the weakest gun laws in the nation - and, correspondingly, one of the highest gun death rates.”

The 10 states with the least strict gun laws

  1. Mississippi

  2. Missouri

  3. Kansas

  4. Arizona

  5. Idaho

  6. Wyoming

  7. Alaska

  8. Louisiana

  9. Kentucky

  10. Vermont

*according to the Gun Law Scorecard.

Nevada, home to Las Vegas, received a C- grade and ranked 28th worst. “In 2016, Nevada significantly improved its gun laws by passing a ballot initiative to require background checks on private sale of firearms. The state has a process to require armed domestic abuses to relinquish their guns, but does not license firearm owners or impose a waiting period on gun purchases,” the Gun Law Scorecard said.

Florida, the state of last year’s nightclub shooting, received an F, while California, state of the San Bernardino shooting, received an A and ranked best for tightened laws.

At a glance | Nevada gun laws

Has Trump alone hurt tourism?

Guns aside, the US Travel Association has reported a slump in overall visitor numbers linked to president Trump.

According to new insights from the organisation, visitor numbers contracted in four out of the seven months for which data is available this year, fueling fears that Donald Trump’s policies are putting tourists off visiting the US.

The declines were steepest in February (6.8 per cent) and March (8.2 per cent) immediately after the so-called “Muslim ban” came into force, which prevented citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia and Yemen) from entering the US.

They are hardly massive markets, but the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) reckons that in the week the order came into effect, the US lost $185 million (£140m) in travel bookings. By the end of the year it predicts the policy will have cost the US more than $330 million in lost revenue from Middle Eastern travellers alone.

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) also believes the President’s policies are having a cooling effect on US-bound tourism beyond the banned countries.  

“The travel ban had an immediate impact on travel bookings to the US,” a spokesperson for the WTTC told Telegraph Travel. “Not just from the initial seven countries where the ban applied to but other parts of the world as well.”

Impact of Trump travel ban on tourism