Lancaster student grows colossal cabbage

Kara Hassenfratz is a fourth grader at St. Mary's Elementary School in Lancaster. Last yea Kara took home a tiny little cabbage plant. It's a project that Bonnie Plants has been doing with about 13,000 schools nationwide. Kara's mom Jackie didn't have much hope for that little plant. she said "I thought it was going to die on the widow sill." Kara too the cabbage seeding and planted in her great uncles garden. She gave it lots of tender loving care, water and fertilizer and sure enough that cabbage started to grow. It grew so big eventually that Kara could even pick it up. Bonnie plants offers this program to teach kids about gardening and about where their food come. They also like to recognize the students achievement. When Kara's cabbage weighed in at thirty-eight pounds the folks at Bonnie Plants decided to award her the best in the state.