Labour's Corbyn says Britain should be in EU customs union after Brexit

COVENTRY, England (Reuters) - British opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said on Monday that he wanted Britain to negotiate a new customs union with the EU to ensure tariff-free trade after Brexit. "Labour would seek to negotiate a new comprehensive UK-EU customs union to ensure there are no tariffs with Europe and to help avoid any need whatsoever for a hard border in Northern Ireland," Corbyn said in the central English city of Coventry. As May tries to strike a divorce deal with the European Union by October, she is facing a rebellion by a small group of pro-Europeans inside her Conservative Party that Labour Party leader Corbyn hopes to use to undermine her authority. May has ruled out any customs union with the EU after Brexit because it would prevent Britain from striking new trade deals with fast-growing economies including as China and India. (Reporting by Elizabeth Piper, Alistair Smout and Andrew MacAskill, writing by Guy Faulconbridge, editing by Kate Holton)