Kyiv air raid siren wails during Metsola's visit

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STORY: ::Air raid sirens wail in Kyiv during European Parliament President Roberta Metsola's visit

::Kyiv, Ukraine

::May 9, 2024

::Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Ukrainian President

"How are you feeling Roberta?"

::Roberta Metsola, European Parliament President

"I am alright. I am alright. But as you say it's Europe Day. Look at this. Now we get an idea of what you live through every day."

Metsola's visit came more than two years after Russia launched its full-scale invasion.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in the press conference that Ukraine could stop Russian forces advancing in the east if allied countries increased the supply of arms.

Russia has been making small but steady territorial gains in the east of the country since the start of the year, with Ukraine's forces depleted and weapons and ammunition running perilously low.